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0 points
Submitted by Joe Curran
over 8 years

String Functions II, 3/8, continuous error "first strpos should output a number...."?

Hi, I have written out the code exactly as it says in the example, yet it keeps coming up with this error….I write the strpos function, then brackets with my name and a letter from my name with all the correct punctuation, but nothing shows in the window and this error occurs. Its driving me mad!, any help would be greatly appreciated =]


Answer 560b3a0995e3782fef0001ff

1 vote


You need to store it as a variable and then print it on the next line.

$var = strpos(“tn5421”, “2”); print $var;

Submitted by Tyler Nelson
over 8 years


Joe Curran over 8 years

ah, so simple. thanks =]