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0 points
Submitted by keyboardkid1
over 8 years

I don't understand the question?

Here is the question= Oops, try again. It looks like meal is 0.0632368421053 instead of 47.50375.

What is this here is my code

Reassign meal on line 7!

meal = 44.50 tax = 0.0675 tip = 0.15

meal = 44.50 / 47.50*tax

Answer 56104cf695e378a031000167

0 votes


meal = 44.50 tax = 0.0675 tip = 0.15 // you need to add, not divide meal = meal + meal * tax

Submitted by Marcos Zlotnik
over 8 years


Marcos Zlotnik over 8 years

i hope i helped