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over 8 years

why isnt this working?? 26/28

// On line 2, declare a variable myName and give it your name. var myName = “Amelia”; // On line 4, use console.log to print out the myName variable. console.log(“myName”); // On line 7, change the value of myName to be just the first 2 // letters of your name. myName.substring.(0,1)); // On line 9, use console.log to print out the myName variable. console.log(“myName”); it says syntax error

Answer 560d57d7e39efe56d6000211

1 vote


The problem is simple It is supposed to be


You cannot have a variable as a string. you can put a sentence as a string.

Submitted by Black_MG
over 8 years


Also myName.substring.(0,1)); should be myName = myName.substring.(0,2));