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0 points
over 8 years

15/23 Oops, try again. Did you remember to set your a:link to the color #008B45?

a:link{ text-decoration:none color: #008B45; } a:hover{ color:#00FF00; } a:visited{ color:#EE9A00; } !DOCTYPE html>

here is all my code i cannot find my mistake! I am using linux 17.2 though.

Answer 560cfe5ab6254877b500041e

1 vote


[check here][1] how to format your code. Your html code is currently not visible. if you update your question please leave a comment so i get a notification. If you put your code i a comment, i am going to ask you to redo it, and use proper format.

inside a:link, after text-decoration: none there is no semi-colon. there should be a semi-colon [1]:

Submitted by stetim94
over 8 years

Answer 561172b4d3292ff4980001df

-2 votes


you forgot * before a:link

over 8 years