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Submitted by Ramya
over 8 years

having trouble with the border and its values

HI Eric,

I am not able to execute this “ border: 2px dashed #3a5fcd;” in few of the sections. Some mistake that I made?

Thanks and Regards, Ramya

Answer 560d3233937676d1dc0003a1

0 votes


p {color:#00E5EE;}

div p {color:#CC0000;}

*{border:2px dotted #3A5FCD;}

The ‘A’ in your colour is lowercase.

over 8 years


Ramya over 8 years

lowercase or uppercase isn’t working

what I have put in my previous answer got me past it.

Answer 56157134d3292f304a000265

0 votes


If you have a browser with a zoomed in or out view this affects the size of the fonts and for an unknown reason results in an error.

If you set your browser zoom level back to 100% then you will be able to complete this and other problematic questions.

Submitted by Jono M
over 8 years