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Submitted by Teona Bellous1
over 8 years

/* CSS comment */

where is the CSS Tab?

Answer 56117ab7e39efeab440002d4

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In the middle Screen on top you will see 2 so-called tabs an index.html tab and a stylesheet.css tab, also called the CSS-tab. click on the tab and you can _modify the ‘file’ stylesheet.css which called upon by the index.html file via

 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css">

The CSS facilty uses so-called Selectors to which you attach a pair of parentheses-{ } in-between which you then define CSS-properties.

Selector {
     property-key: property-Value ;
     background-color: blue;

As jQuery uses the same Selector-syntax you could look at to get a feeling of which possible selector-type’s can be used.

Submitted by Leon
over 8 years