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Submitted by mccbjnn
over 8 years

Images and Links

Below I have pasted the answer to the exercise in which we are to create a link to an image, create an image, and create a text link. I went online and copied picture URLs for this exercise. They should be correct but the hint tells me that I am missing the two image links. Can you help me understand why this is incorrect? Thanks.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Answer 561172ee95e378b8220002f3

0 votes


Please present your full HTML code …

Please update your Post so the HTML-code is visible…. +++++ how to edit Add an Answer (courtesy to = tony de araujo =)

In this editor if a < open-tag is encountered, without 4-prepending-spaces this tag is interpreted by the editor….

Paste-in the code you use select this code in the editor then either CTRL-k or click-on-the-{} symbol……

Submitted by Leon
over 8 years


RICHARD STRONG over 8 years

Thank you.

Leon over 8 years

You did not update your post with the full html-code you are using,,,