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Submitted by Jaydeep Dholakia
over 8 years

How could I set full size background image

I have tried the bellow code in CSS but it makes the page slow. The is not massive but yet it make the page slow even after it has loaded fully:

html,body { background: url(“”)fixed; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; }

Answer 56122fba95e378010e000228

1 vote


i would personally read this and this, also, i wouldn’t set the image on both html and body.just html. Also, make sure the image is not to large, if need be, shrink the image

Submitted by stetim94
over 8 years

Answer 5611721b9113cbd3ce0002a6

0 votes


Have you tried a google search == discussions /opinions == css How could I set full size background image

== the Book == css set full size background image or fullscreen background image css

Submitted by Leon
over 8 years