A class is comprised of class members:
class City {// Attributeint population;public:// Methodvoid add_resident() {population++;}};
For a C++ class, a constructor is a special kind of method that enables control regarding how the objects of a class should be created. Different class constructors can be specified for the same class, but each constructor signature must be unique.
#include "city.hpp"class City {std::string name;int population;public:City(std::string new_name, int new_pop);};
In C++, an object is an instance of a class that encapsulates data and functionality pertaining to that data.
City nyc;
A C++ class is a user-defined data type that encapsulates information and behavior about an object. It serves as a blueprint for future inherited classes.
class Person {};
C++ classes have access control operators that designate the scope of class members:
members are accessible everywhere; private
members can only be accessed from within the same instance of the class or from friends classes.
class City {int population;public:void add_resident() {population++;}private:bool is_capital;};
For a C++ class, a constructor is a special kind of method that enables control regarding how the objects of a class should be created. Different class constructors can be specified for the same class, but each constructor signature must be unique.
A constructor can have multiple parameters as well as default parameter values.
In order to initialize const
or reference type attributes, use member initializer lists instead of normal constructors.
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class House {private:std::string location;int rooms;public:// Constructor with default parametersHouse(std::string loc = "New York", int num = 5) {location = loc;rooms = num;}// Destructor~House() {std::cout << "Moved away from " << location << "\n";}};int main(){House default_house; // Calls House("New York", 5)House texas_house("Texas"); // Calls House("Texas", 5)House big_florida_house("Florida", 10); // Calls House("Florida", 10)return 0;}
In C++, a class can inherit attributes and methods from another class. In an inheritance relationship, there are two categories of classes:
It’s possible to have multi-level inheritance where classes are constructed in order from the “most base” class to the “most derived” class.
#include <iostream>class Base {public:int base_id;Base(int new_base) : base_id(new_base) {}};class Derived: public Base {public:int derived_id;Derived(int new_base, int new_derived): Base(new_base), derived_id(new_derived) {}void show() {std::cout << base_id << " " << derived_id;}};int main() {Derived temp(1, 2);temp.show(); // Outputs: 1 2return 0;}
Access specifiers are C++ keywords that determine the scope of class components:
: Class members are accessible from anywhere in the program.private
: Class members are only accessible from inside the class.Encapsulation is achieved by declaring class attributes as private
member variables.private
member variables.#include <iostream>class Computer {private:int password;public:int getPassword() {return password;}void setPassword(int new_password) {password = new_password;}};int main(){Computer dell;dell.setPassword(12345);std::cout << dell.getPassword();return 0;}
A C++ class is a user-defined data type that encapsulates information and behavior about an object.
A class can have two types of class members:
An object is an instance of a class and can be created by specifying the class name.
#include <iostream>class Dog {public:int age;void sound() {std::cout << "woof\n";}};int main() {Dog buddy;buddy.age = 5;buddy.sound(); // Outputs: woof}
In C++, polymorphism occurs when a derived class overrides a method inherited from its base class with the same function signature.
Polymorphism gives a method many “forms”. Which form is executed depends on the type of the caller object.
#include <iostream>class Employee {public:void salary() {std::cout << "Normal salary.\n";}};class Manager: public Employee {public:void salary() {std::cout << "Normal salary and bonus.\n";}};int main() {Employee newbie;Manager boss;newbie.salary(); // Outputs: Normal salary.boss.salary(); // Outputs: Normal salary and bonus.return 0;}