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What Can I Do With a Database?

AND Operator

The AND operator allows multiple conditions to be combined. Records must match both conditions that are joined by AND to be included in the result set. The given query will match any car that is blue and made after 2014.

SELECT model
FROM cars
WHERE color = 'blue'
AND year > 2014;

AS Clause

Columns or tables can be aliased using the AS clause. This allows columns or tables to be specifically renamed in the returned result set. The given query will return a result set with the column for name renamed to movie_title.

SELECT name AS 'movie_title'
FROM movies;

OR Operator

The OR operator allows multiple conditions to be combined. Records matching either condition joined by the OR are included in the result set. The given query will match customers whose state is either 'CA' or 'NY'.

FROM customers
WHERE state = 'CA'
OR state = 'NY';

% Wildcard

The % wildcard can be used in a LIKE operator pattern to match zero or more unspecified character(s). The given query will match any movie that begins with The, followed by zero or more of any characters.

FROM movies
WHERE name LIKE 'The%';

SELECT Statement

The SELECT * statement returns all columns from the provided table in the result set. The given query will fetch all columns and records (rows) from the movies table.

FROM movies;

_ Wildcard

The _ wildcard can be used in a LIKE operator pattern to match any single unspecified character. The given query will match any movie which begins with a single character, followed by ove.

FROM movies
WHERE name LIKE '_ove';


The ORDER BY clause can be used to sort the result set by a particular column either alphabetically or numerically. It can be ordered in two ways:

  • DESC is a keyword used to sort the results in descending order.
  • ASC is a keyword used to sort the results in ascending order (default).
FROM contacts
ORDER BY birth_date DESC;

LIKE Operator

The LIKE operator can be used inside of a WHERE clause to match a specified pattern. The given query will match any movie that begins with Star in its title.

FROM movies
WHERE name LIKE 'Star%';


Unique values of a column can be selected using a DISTINCT query. For a table contact_details having five rows in which the city column contains Chicago, Madison, Boston, Madison, and Denver, the given query would return:

  • Chicago
  • Madison
  • Boston
  • Denver
FROM contact_details;

BETWEEN Operator

The BETWEEN operator can be used to filter by a range of values. The range of values can be text, numbers, or date data. The given query will match any movie made between the years 1980 and 1990, inclusive.

FROM movies
WHERE year BETWEEN 1980 AND 1990;

LIMIT Clause

The LIMIT clause is used to narrow, or limit, a result set to the specified number of rows. The given query will limit the result set to 5 rows.

FROM movies

NULL Values

Column values can be NULL, or have no value. These records can be matched (or not matched) using the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators in combination with the WHERE clause. The given query will match all addresses where the address has a value or is not NULL.

SELECT address
FROM records

WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is used to filter records (rows) that match a certain condition. The given query will select all records where the pub_year equals 2017.

SELECT title
FROM library
WHERE pub_year = 2017;

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