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Sorting and Filtering Rows

Pandas .index Attribute

The pandas DataFrame attribute .index displays the row labels of the DataFrame.

By default, DataFrame rows are labeled using a RangeIndex where the first row is labeled 0, the second row is labeled 1, and so on.

Indexes can also consist of text objects/strings and other values.


Pandas .reset_index() Method

The method .reset_index() replaces existing row labels for a DataFrame with the standard index: 0 for the first row, 1 for the second row, and so on.

By default, this method will keep the old labels in a new column named 'index'.


Pandas .sort_index() Method

The pandas DataFrame method .sort_index() sorts the rows of a DataFrame by the index values. The parameter ascending controls how the rows are sorted.

For numerical indexes, .sort_index() sorts from smallest to largest numerically. For text indexes, .sort_index() sorts from A to Z.

Setting ascending to False sorts the index in reverse/descending order.

# Sort the DataFrame by its index in ascending order
# Sort the DataFrame by its index in descending order

Selecting data with .loc[]

Specific data in a pandas DataFrame can be accessed using

.loc[row_labels_list, column_labels_list]

Here’s a sample DataFrame vehicles:

id model year
0 12988 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022
1 689 avalanche ffv 2007
2 950 impala 2010

The code snippet in this review card performs the following selection:

model year
0 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022
1 avalanche ffv 2007
vehicles.loc[[0,1], ['model','year']]

Selecting data with .iloc[]

Specific data in a pandas DataFrame can be accessed using

.iloc[row_positions, column_positions]

By default, the position of the first row/column is 0, the position of the second is 1, and so on.

Here’s a sample DataFrame:

id model year
0 12988 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022
1 689 avalanche ffv 2007
2 950 impala 2010

The code snippet in this review card performs the following selection:

model year
0 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022
2 impala 2010
vehicles.iloc[[0,2], [1,2]]

Selecting Slices with .loc[]

id model year best_mpge
0 12988 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022 28.0
1 689 avalanche ffv 2007 21.0
2 950 impala 2010 29.0

Ranges of rows and columns can be selected using .loc[] and slice syntax:

df.loc[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col]

A slice start:end contains the row/column labeled start, the row/column labeled end, and all rows/columns between.

If either start or end is omitted, the first or last row/column is used.

# Select rows labeled 0 and 1
# columns labeled 'model','year','best_mpge'
vehicles[0:1, 'model':'best_mpge']
# Select all rows
# columns 'id','model', and 'year'
vehicles[:, :'year']

Selecting Slices with .iloc[]

id model year best_mpge
0 12988 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022 28.0
1 689 avalanche ffv 2007 21.0
2 950 impala 2010 29.0

Ranges of rows and columns can be selected using .iloc[] and slice syntax:

df.iloc[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col]

A slice start:end contains the row/column in position start and all rows up to but not including the row/column in position end. Positions start at 0, and increase top-bottom (for rows) and left-right (for columns).

If either start or end is omitted, the first or last row/column is used.

# Select the first two rows and the last three columns
vehicles.iloc[0:2, 1:4]
# Select all rows and the first three columns
vehicles.iloc[:, :3]

Boolean Variables

In Python, a variable is Boolean if it has the value True or False (without quotes).

# Example Booleans
is_raining = True
is_sunny = False

Python Comparison Operator ==

The Python equal comparison operator == returns True if the variables being compared have exactly the same value, otherwise, it returns False.

The Python not equal comparison operator != returns True if the variables being compared have different values, and otherwise returns True.

3 == 3
# Output: True
3 != 3
# Output: False
'auto' == 'auto'
# Output: True
'auto' != 'auto'
# Output: False

Relational Comparison Operators

Python has four comparison operators to compare sizes. These include:

  • less than (<)
  • greater than (>)
  • less than or equal to (<=)
  • greater than or equal to (>=)

These operators return True if their comparison is valid and False otherwise.

10 < 20
# Output: True
10 > 20
# Output: False
10 <= 20
# Output: True
10 >= 10
# Output: True

Python and Operator

The and operator in Python combines two Booleans. The and operator is

  • True if both Booleans are True
  • False otherwise
(1 < 2) and (1 == 3)
# Output: False, because the second Boolean is False
(1 > 2) and (1 < 3)
# Output: False, because the first Boolean is False
(1 > 2) and (1 == 3)
# Output: False, because both Booleans are False
(1 < 2) and (1 < 3)
# Output: True, because both Booleans are True

Python or Operator

The Python or operator combines two Boolean expressions. It is

  • True if at least one of the Booleans being combined is True
  • False if both Booleans are False

In particular, or is inclusive: if both Booleans are True, or is True.

(1 < 2) or (1 == 3)
# Output: True, because the first Boolean is True
(1 > 3) or (1 < 3)
# Output: True, because the second Boolean is True
(1 < 2) or (1 < 3)
# Output: True, because both Booleans are True
(1 > 2) or (1 == 3)
# Output: False, because both Booleans are False

Python not Operator

The not operator inverts the value of a Boolean:

  • if the original Boolean was True, then placing not in front will make it False
  • if the original Boolean was False, then placing not in front will make it True

It is good practice to place the Boolean being inverted within parentheses: not(Boolean).

not(1 < 2)
# Output: False, because 1 < 2 is True
not(1 > 2)
# Output: True, because 1 > 2 is False

Pandas Boolean Masks

Performing a comparison between a DataFrame column and a value creates a Boolean mask: a copy of the column where each row is replaced with the value True if the comparison is true and False otherwise.

model year best_mpge
0 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022 28.0
1 avalanche ffv 2007 21.0
2 impala 2010 29.0

The Boolean mask in the code snippet returns:

0 True
1 False
2 True
gt_25 = vehicles['best_mpge'] > 25.0

Filtering with Boolean Masks

Passing a Boolean mask to a DataFrame returns only the rows where the mask is True.

Here is a sample DataFrame named vehicles.

model year best_mpge
0 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022 28.0
1 avalanche ffv 2007 21.0
2 impala 2010 29.0

The code snippet in this review card filters vehicles down to models from 2010:

model year best_mpge
2 impala 2010 29.0
# Create a Boolean mask
is_2010 = vehicles['year'] == 2010
# Filter vehicles using the mask

Combining Boolean Masks

year mpge recent & under_29 recent | under_29
0 2022 28.0 True True
1 2007 21.0 False True
2 2010 29.0 False False

Boolean Masks can be combined using the operators

  • &, meaning and
  • |, meaning or
# Boolean mask for models newer than 2010
recent = vehicles['year'] > 2010
# Boolean mask for models under 29mpge
under_29 = vehicles['mpge'] < 29
# Boolean mask for models that are both newer than 2010 and under 29mpge
vehicles['recent & under_29'] = recent & under_29
# Boolean mask for models that are either newer than 2010 or under 29mpge
vehicles['recent | under_29'] = recent | under_29

Pandas .sort_values() Method

The pandas DataFrame method .sort_values() sorts the rows of a DataFrame, generally using two parameters:

  • by= to select the column to sort by
  • ascending= to control the order of the sort (default True)
model year best_mpge
0 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022 28.0
1 avalanche ffv 2007 21.0
2 impala 2010 29.0

Sorting by best_mpge from highest to lowest:

model year best_mpge
2 impala 2010 29.0
0 amg e53 4matic+ (convertible) 2022 28.0
1 avalanche ffv 2007 21.0
# Sort vehicles by 'best_mpge' from lowest to highest
# Sort vehicles by 'best_mpge' from highest to lowest

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