Angular is a robust and opinionated framework designed for building scalable web applications. It uses TypeScript and follows a component-based approach, separating the interface, data, and logic.
ng new
Command in AngularThe Angular CLI’s ng new
command bootstraps a new Angular project. This command sets up the project structure and configurations necessary for development.
ng new my-angular-app
The Angular CLI simplifies development with several useful commands:
ng generate
to create new components, directives, and other Angular serve
compiles and hosts the application on a local server, automatically refreshing on file build
compiles and optimizes the application for generate component user-profileng serveng build
Decorator in AngularThe @Component
decorator in Angular defines a component, specifying its selector, template, and styles. Metadata in the decorator specifies how the component should be processed and used at runtime.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({standalone: true,selector: 'demo-app',templateUrl: './demo-app.component.html',styleUrl: './demo-app.component.css',imports: [RouterOutlet]})export class DemoApp {}
In Angular, standalone components are configured using the standalone
flag. This enables simplified imports and allows the component to be used without needing explicit module management.
@Component({standalone: true,selector: 'demo-app',templateUrl: './demo-app.component.html',styleUrl: './demo-app.component.css',imports: [RouterOutlet]})export class DemoApp {}
Angular’s template syntax allows dynamic content rendering using data bindings. Two forms are interpolation and property binding.
Interpolation inserts text into the template with {{ value }}
, while property binding dynamically sets element properties using [property]="value"
In the example code, userName
is inserted using interpolation such as {{ userName }}
, and src
is set using property binding such as [src]="user.profileImage"
export class UserProfileComponent {userName = 'Rajesh Kumar';user = { profileImage: 'path/to/image.jpg' };}<!-- using interpolation and property binding in the component template --><div>Hello, {{ userName }}!</div><img [src]="user.profileImage">
Angular templates use control-flow structures like @if
, @for
, and @switch
to manage dynamic content display.
conditionally includes HTML based on a boolean expression.@if (a > b) {{{a}} is greater than {{b}}} @else if (b > a) {{{a}} is less than {{b}}} @else {{{a}} is equal to {{b}}}
iterates over collections to generate repeated elements.@for (item of items; track {<li>{{ }}</li>} @empty {<li>There are no items.</li>}
renders elements based on the value of an expression, handling multiple conditions.@switch (condition) {@case (caseA) {Case A.}@case (caseB) {Case B.}@default {Default case.}}
In Angular, template variables store references to DOM elements, allowing easy access and manipulation within the template.
<!-- add template reference variable named userInput --><input #userInput type="text" placeholder="Enter your name" value="Codey"><!-- use interpolation to display the current value of the input field referenced with #userInput. --><h2>{{ userInput.value }}</h2>
Data binding in Angular synchronizes data between the application model and the view. This ensures that any changes in the model are automatically reflected in the UI, eliminating the need for manual DOM updates.
In Angular, <ng-content>
enables content projection, allowing a parent component to project content into a child component. This enhances layout flexibility by allowing developers to construct child components that are more generic.
Child component template:
<!-- menu-item.component.html --><div class="menu-item"><ng-content></ng-content></div>
Parent component template:
<!-- menu.component.html --><app-menu-item><p>Projected Content</p></app-menu-item>
Attribute of <ng-content>
For multi-slot content projection in Angular, use multiple <ng-content>
tags with corresponding select
attributes to project content based on CSS selectors.
Child component template:
<!-- complex-menu.component.html --><div class="menu-header"><ng-content select=".headerContent"></ng-content> <!-- First slot --></div><div class="menu-body"><ng-content select=".bodyContent"></ng-content> <!-- Second slot --></div>
Parent component template:
<!-- menu.component.html --><app-menu-item><div class="headerContent">Header Content</div> <!-- First slot --><div class="bodyContent">Body Content</div> <!-- Second slot --></app-menu-item>
Directive in AngularThe NgOptimizedImage
directive in Angular automatically optimizes images for different screen sizes and conditions, improving load times and resource efficiency.
import { NgOptimizedImage } from '@angular/common';@Component({selector: 'app-image-display',standalone: true,imports: [NgOptimizedImage],template: `<img [ngSrc]="user.profilePictureUrl" width="200" height="200" alt="User Profile Picture">`,styleUrl: './image-display.component.css'})
AttributeThe ngSrc
attribute binds image sources dynamically within Angular templates. Ensure that the width and height of the image are specified, or use the fill
attribute to make the image fill the containing element.
<!-- Dynamically binding an image source in Angular --><img [ngSrc]="user.profilePictureUrl" width="200" height="200" alt="User Profile Picture">