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Learn Go: Variables

Go Values

In Go, values can be unnamed or named. Unnamed values are literals such as 3.14, true, and "Codecademy". Named values have a name attached to the value and they can either be unchangeable as constants or changeable as variables once defined.

// literal unnamed value
fmt.Println("PI = ", 3.14159)
// constant named value
const pi = 3.14159
// variable named value
var radius = 6

Go Data Types

In Go, values have a data type. The data type determines what type of information is being stored and how much space is needed to store it. Go has basic data types such as:

  • string
  • bool
  • numeric types:
    • int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32 , uint32, int64, uint64, int, uint, uintptr
    • float32, float64
    • complex64, complex128

Go Variables

A Go variable has a name attached to a value but unlike a Go constant, a variable’s value can be changed after it has been defined. There are four ways to declare and assign a Go variable:

  • use the var keyword followed by a name and its data type. This variable can be assigned later in the program. For example:
var fruit string
fruit = "apple"
  • use the var keyword followed by a name, data type, = and value.
var fruit string = "apple"
  • use the var keyword, followed by a name, = and value. Ignore the data type and let the compiler infer its type.
var fruit = "apple"
  • skip the var keyword, define a name followed by := and value and let the compiler infer its type.
fruit := "apple"

Go Errors

In Go, errors are raised when the compiler doesn’t recognize the code as valid. The error message is printed to the terminal and contains the following information:

  • The filename
  • The line that raises the error
  • The number of characters from the left side that raises the error
  • The type of error and reason for raising the error

For example:

./Main.go:11:3: undefined: dinner

This particular error occurs in the file main.go at line 11, 3 characters into the line, and its error type and reason is "undefined: dinner".

Go Strings

A Go string is a data type that stores text or a sequence of characters in any length in double-quoted form. To concatenate two strings, use the + operator.

var firstName string = "Abe"
var lastName string = "Lincoln"
// prints "Abe Lincoln"
fmt.Println(firstName + " " + lastName)

Go Zero Values

In Go, when a variable is declared without initializing a value, it has a default value. The default value is known as the zero value.

Different zero values exist for different data types:

Type    Zero Value
ints     0
floats   0
string   "" (empty string)
boolean  false

Go Inferred Int Type

When we declare a Go variable without specifying its data type and assign the variable (using := or var =) to a whole number, the Go compiler automatically infers the variable data type as an int. For example:

score := 85
var temperature = 60

Go Updating Variables

Unlike constants, Go variables can change their values if we reassign new values to them. For example:

var zipcode = "02134"
zipcode = "03035"

Go supports additional assignment operators that updates a variable by performing an operation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to iself.

// sum = sum + value
sum += value
// total = total - value
total -= value
// average = average / quantity
average /= quantity
// price = price * quantity
price *= quantity

Go Multiple Variable Declaration

Multiple Go variables can be declared and initialized on the same line delimited with a comma. If they are of the same type, the type can be optionally declared after the variable names before the assignment operator. For example:

var x, y int = -1, 5
a, b := 7, 2
fmt.Println(x, y, a, b)
// -1, 5, 7, 2

If the variables are of different types, they can also be declared on the same line without the type designation.

found, answer := true, "yes"
var name, age = "Steve", 35
fmt.Println(found, answer, name, age)
// true, "yes", "Steve", 35

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