Threads can be created by extending the Thread
Threads can be created using lambda expressions.
Threads are used in Java to improve performance for processes that can be split into code that can run concurrently.
A Java thread can, throughout its lifecycle, be in New, Running/Active, Blocked, Waiting, or Terminated/Joined states.
Threads can communicate with each other in Java by polling the state of a shared resource.
A programmer can control Java thread lifecycle states using the following methods:
Threads can communicate with each other in Java using the .wait()
, .notify()
and .notifyAll()
In Java, the synchronized
keyword is used to ensure that methods in two different threads do not access a shared resource at the same time.
A thread is a part of a program that follows a path of execution independently. Multiple threads can run at the same time (concurrently).
A race condition occurs when a multi-threaded program produces unexpected behavior due to the timing or interleaving of the execution of threads.