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Learn jQuery: Event Handlers

jquery on event listeners

jQuery .on() event listeners support all common browser event types such as mouse events, keyboard events, scroll events and more.

// A mouse event 'click'
$('#menu-button').on('click', () => {
// A keyboard event 'keyup'
$('#textbox').on('keyup', () => {
// A scroll event 'scroll'
$('#menu-button').on('scroll', () => {

jquery event object

In a jQuery event listener, an event object is passed into the event handler callback when an event occurs. The event object has several important properties such as type (the event type) and currentTarget (the individual DOM element upon which the event occurred).

// Hides the '#menu' element when it has been clicked.
$('#menu').on('click', event => {
// $(event.currentTarget) refers to the '#menu' element that was clicked.

jquery event.currentTarget attribute

In a jQuery event listener callback, the event.currentTarget attribute only affects the individual element upon which the event was triggered, even if the listener is registered to a group of elements sharing a class or tag name.

// Assuming there are several elements with the
// class 'blue-button', 'event.currentTarget' will
// refer to the individual element that was clicked.
$('.blue-button').on('click', event => {

jquery on method chaining

jQuery .on() event listener methods can be chained together to add multiple events to the same element.

// Two .on() methods for 'mouseenter' and
// 'mouseleave' events chained onto the
// '#menu-button' element.
$('#menu-button').on('mouseenter', () => {
}).on('mouseleave', () => {

jquery on method

The jQuery .on() method adds event listeners to jQuery objects and takes two arguments: a string declaring the event to listen for (such as ‘click’), and the event handler callback function. The .on() method creates an event listener that detects when an event happens (for example: when a user clicks a button), and then calls the event handler callback function, which will execute any defined actions after the event has happened.

//The .on() method adds a 'click' event to the '#login' element. When the '#login' element is clicked, the callback function will be executed, which reveals the '#login-form' to the user.
$('#login').on('click', () => {

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