In the mongosh
shell, running the command show dbs
prints a list of all the databases in a MongoDB instance.
In the mongosh
shell, the command use <db>
is used to navigate to the specified database.
For example, the following command will select the existing database called store
use store
In the mongosh
shell, the command db
is used to verify which database is actively being used.
For example, if we switched to a database called concerts
, then running the command db
will display the following:
> dbconcerts
Successful MongoDB queries will return a cursor. A cursor is an object that points to documents matched by a query filter. Cursors return results in batches and can be iterated to return subsequent documents.
If we run the following command for a collection called storage_room
db.storage_room.find( { id: 1 })
The cursor will be the returned document. You can think of the cursor as a pointer that points to a specific record(s).
In the mongosh
shell, the command it
(short for iterate) will iterate through a cursor to show the next batch of documents.
MethodThe .find()
method is used to select documents in a collection and return a cursor to the selected documents.
The following example will print all documents from a collection named posts
When using the .find()
method, a query can be passed in as a parameter to search for specific documents.
For example, consider a collection named guitarists
. To retrieve a specific document, query criteria can be passed in:
db.guitarists.find({ last_name: "Santana" })
Note: If no document matches the filtering criteria, then no documents will be printed.
db.<collection>.find({ <field>: <value> })
and $gte
Comparison OperatorsThe comparison operators $gt
and $gte
can be used to match documents where the value for a particular field is greater than, or greater than or equal to a specified value, respectively.
For example, consider a collection named inventory
where you’re trying to retrieve documents with a field named quantity
with a value greater than or equal to 20
. This can be accomplished with the following command:
db.inventory.find( { quantity: { $gte: 20 } } )
db.<collection>.find({ <field>: { $gte: <value> } })
MethodThe .sort()
method can be appended to queries to order matching documents according to one or more fields. To specify sorting orders, a value of 1
and -1
are used. 1
is used for ascending order while -1
is used for descending order.
For example, consider a collection named documentaries
. If we wanted to view a list of documents sorted in descending order by the field release_year
, we would use the following command:
db.documentaries.find().sort({ release_year: -1 })
db.<collection>.find().sort( { <field>: <sort_order> } )
Method with Duplicate ValuesWhen sorting with .sort()
on fields that have duplicate values, documents that have those values may be returned in any order. Additional fields can be included in the sort document to produce consistent results.
For example, consider a collection named students
that holds two of the following documents:
{ first_name: "Lucy", last_name: "Wang", age: 12, grade: 7 },{ first_name: "Lucy", last_name: "Alfe", age: 12, grade: 7 }
When running the following command, the duplicate values will not be returned in a sorted manner due to having duplicate values in the collection:
db.students.find().sort({ first_name: 1 })
(inclusive)When using the .find()
method, we can limit the amount of data returned by including a projection document to specify or restrict fields to return.
For example, consider a collection named restaurants
. Assuming each document includes several fields, if we want to view only the names and locations of restaurants that have a grade
field, with the value of "A"
, we can run the following command:
db.restaurants.find( { grade: "A" }, { name: 1, location: 1 } )
If the field in the projection has the value of 1
, it will be included in the returned documents.
db.<collection>.find( { <field>: <value> }, { <field>: 1 } )
(exclusive)When running the .find()
method, we can limit the amount of data returned by including a projection document to specify or restrict fields to return.
Consider a collection named inventory
. Assuming each document includes several fields, if we want to view all the fields of the documents and only exclude the field origin
and original_cost
, we can run the following command:
db.restaurants.find( {}, { origin: 0, original_cost: 0 } )
db.<collection>.find( { <field>: <value> }, { <field>: 1 } )
When using projection queries, it is not possible to combine inclusion and exclusion statements in a single projection document except for the _id
For example, consider a collection named artists
with documents holding the following format:
{ _id: 1, first_name: "Pablo", last_name: "Picasso", movement: "Cubism" },{ _id: 2, first_name: "Clause", last_name: "Monet", movement: "Impressionism" },{ _id: 3, first_name: "Henri", last_name: "Matisse", movement: "Modernism" }
The only command that can be run that includes both exclusion and inclusion statements involves the _id
db.artists.find( { }, { last_name: 1, movement: 1, _id: 0 } )
Embedded documents are documents nested inside of another. One parent document can have many embedded child documents and can help define relationships between the data.
For example, consider a collection named courses
that holds documents describing a specific course. Each course document will hold a field teacher
which will be a document in itself. The format for an embedded document could look like so:
{course: "CS101",course_number: 10401,teacher: { first_name: "Sam", last_name: "Juarez" },branch: "Computer Science"}
In the example above, the teacher is another document.
An embedded document can be accessed by using the .find() method and using dot notation in our query filter to access the embedded field.
For example, consider a collection named employees
with documents in the following format:
{firstName: "John",lastName: "King",department: { name: "Finance" },address: {phone: { type: "Home", number: "111-000-000" }}}
To retrieve documents from the collection from the "Finance"
department, we can run the following command:
db.employees.find({ "": "Finance" }
db.<collection>.find({ <"field1.field2">: <value> })
and $lte
Comparison OperatorsThe comparison operators $lt
and $lte
can be used to match documents where the value for a particular field is less than, or less than or equal to the specified value, respectively.
For example, consider a collection named inventory
where we want to retrieve documents with a field named quantity
with a value less than or equal to 20
. This can be accomplished with the following command:
db.inventory.find( { quantity: { $lte: 20 } } )
db.<collection>.find({ <field>: { $lte: <value> } })
The .find()
method can query a collection for an array containing specific values by passing in a query argument that includes the field and array to match:
Check out the following example of a .find()
operation on a collection named interviewees
db.interviewees.find({languages: ["C#", "Javascript", "Ruby"]})
db.<collection>.find({<field>: [ <value1> , <value2> ... ]})
The .find()
method can query collections on a single array element by providing a query document containing the field name and the specific element we want to match as its value.
Check out the following example searching for a document containing "Best Picture"
as a value in a field named "awards"
db.academyawards.find({awards: ["Best Picture"]})
db.<collection>.find({<field>: [ <value> ]})
operatorThe .$all
operator selects the documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified elements, in any order, without regard to additional elements in the array.
The query below will match documents that contain at least those specified values, in any order, in the field awards
db.academyawards.find({awards: { $all: [ "Best Picture", "Best Director", "Best Director" ] }})
db.<collection>.find({<field>: { $all: [ <value1> , <value2> ... ] }})
The .find()
method can query a collection with comparison operators to match documents where the array contains one or more elements that satisfy the query conditions in some combination.
The following query will find a document in a ufc_contestants
collections where the array field championship_years
is greater than 2004 but less than 2008:
db.ufc_contestants.find({championship_years: { $gt: 2004, $lt: 2008 }})
db.<collection>.find({<field>: { <comparison operator> }})
operatorThe .find()
method can use the $elemMatch
operator to find documents with at least one array field. The finding operation matches the data in the array field with the criteria mentioned with $elemMatch
The following query looks for documents in which the array field bands
contains values where active
is true, and the formation_year
is greater than 1990:
db.music_fest.find({bands: { $elemMatch: { active: true, formation_year: { $gte: 1990} } }})
db.<collection>.find({<field>: { $elemMatch: { <query1>, <query2>, ... } }})
We can use .find()
to query an array with embedded documents for an exact match by providing a query argument containing the specific fields and their associated values. The query will only match documents with the specific order we provide in our query.
Consider the following document as an example:
{_id: ObjectId(...),name: "Miyu Kato",country: "Japan",wimbledon_doubles_placements:[{year: 2016,place: 2},{year: 2017,place: 1}]}
We can query the embedded documents inside of the wimbledon_doubles_placements
array field:
db.tennis_players.find( { "wimbledon_doubles_placements": { year: 2016, place: 2 } } )
db.<collection>.find({<field>: { <array_field>: <array_value> }})
We can use .find()
to query an array with embedded documents for a single field by providing a query argument for the specific field using dot (.
) notation.
The following query will query the array field wimbledon_doubles_placements
for a embedded document with the field year
with the value of 2016
db.tennis_players.find( { "wimbledon_doubles_placements.year": 2016 )
db.<collection>.find({"field.nestedfield": <value>})