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The draw() Function

The draw() function is automatically called after the setup() function, which runs once at the program’s start. The draw() loop infinitely runs the code block inside the function from top to bottom.

function setup(){
// Runs once at the start of the program
function draw(){
// Loops infinitely after setup() is run

Incrementing Values

A value is incremented by writing the following expression:

x = x + 1

Above can be rewritten as:



x += 1;

In all three expressions, the x variable is taking its own value and adding 1 to it. The value 1 can be changed to any other number.

function draw(){
ellipse(xPos, 100, 100, 100);
// Increment x position by 5 every draw loop
xPos += 5;

The random() Function

The random() function returns a random decimal value between 0 and 1.

When one numeric argument is given to the random() function, it returns a random decimal value between 0 and the value of the given argument.

When two numeric values are given as arguments, the function returns a random decimal value between the first argument and the second argument.

function draw(){
// Generate a random value between 0 and width
let randomX = random(width);
// Generate a random value between 15 and 100
let randomSize = random(15, 100);
circle(randomX, height / 2, randomSize);


Frames Per Second (FPS) specifies the number of frames displayed every second. p5.js automatically runs the program at 60 frames per second. This means that the draw() function runs repeatedly 60 times per second.

The frameCount Variable

To keep track of the number of frames rendered, p5.js provides a built-in variable called frameCount. This variable stores the number of frames that have been displayed since the program started.

The value of the frameCount variable updates with every frame. The first time the draw() loop runs, the frameCount variable’s value is one; the second time, the frameCount is two; and so forth.

function draw() {
// Animate ellipse's x position to move from left to right as the frameCount variable increases
ellipse(frameCount, height / 2, 100, 100);

The frameRate() function

p5.js will automatically run your code at 60 frames per second. However, you can manipulate the FPS value by using the frameRate() function, which will change the number of frames shown per second. The maximum number of frames that can be drawn is 60 FPS.

function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
// Set frame rate to 24 FPS, which will make the sketch run at a slower rate than the default 60 FPS

Decrementing Values

A value is decremented by writing the following expression:

x = x - 1

Above can be rewritten as:



x -= 1;

In all three expressions, the x variable is taking its own value and subtracting 1 from it. The value 1 can be changed to any other number.

function draw(){
ellipse(100, yPos, 100, 100);
// Decrement y position by 5 every draw loop
yPos -= 5;

The noise() Function

The noise() function returns a random decimal value between 0 and 1, based on Perlin noise.

Since the noise() function generates a naturally ordered sequence of random numbers, this function is useful for creating more natural random movements.

A diagram that shows the difference between random and noise values.

User-defined Functions

User-defined functions can be called inside the draw() and setup() function. If a user-defined function containing p5.js functions is called outside of the draw() or setup() function, they may not run as intended.

let xpos, ypos;
function setup(){
// Call init() custom function inside setup()
function draw() {
// Call display() custom function inside draw()
// Define custom functions outside of the setup() and draw() functions
function init(){
xpos = width / 2;
ypos = height / 2;
function display() {
ellipse(x, y, 50, 50);

Function Parameters

Parameters are a way to introduce variations into your functions. Variables in the draw() function can be passed into the user-defined functions as arguments.

function draw() {
// 0 and 5 are passed in as arguments
// Circle is drawn at (0, 5) coordinate
makeCircle(0, 5);
// 10 and 15 are passed in as arguments
// Circle is drawn at (10, 5) coordinate
makeCircle(10, 15);
// Custom function with parameters for x and y positions
function makeCircke(x, y) {
circle(x, y, 20);

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