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React Components

return statement

React function components must contain a return statement. This should return some React elements created with JSX.

function MyComponent() {
return <h1>Hello from MyComponent!</h1>;

Function Component Base

React function components follow regular JavaScript class syntax in declaration and returns JSX elements.

This example shows a simple React function component.

function MyComponent() {
return <h1>Hello world!</h1>;

Importing React

In order to use React, we must first import the React library. When we import the library, it creates an object that contains properties needed to make React work, including JSX and creating custom components.

import React from 'react';

React Components

A React component is a reusable piece of code used to define the appearance, behavior, and state of a portion of a web app’s interface. Components are defined as functions. Using the component as a factory, an infinite number of component instances can be created.

import React from 'react';
function MyFunctionComponent() {
return <h1>Hello from a function component!</h1>;
class MyClassComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return <h1>Hello from a class component!</h1>;

JSX Capitalization

React requires that the first letter of components be capitalized. JSX will use this capitalization to tell the difference between an HTML tag and a component instance. If the first letter of a name is capitalized, then JSX knows it’s a component instance; if not, then it’s an HTML element.

// This is considered a component by React.
<ThisComponent />
// This is considered a JSX HTML tag.

Importing and Exporting Components in React

React components can be modularly structured and made reusable by placing them into their own files. Components can be exported and imported into a top-level file and rendered.

In Greeting.js:

function Greeting() {
return (
<h1>Hello, welcome to...</h1>
<h2>Learn React!</h2>
export default Greeting;

In App.js:

import Greeting from './Greeting'

Rendering a Component

A React function component can be rendered by creating a root container and rendering the component into the root container.

//Component to be rendered
function MyComponent() {
return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
//Rendering the component
).render(<MyComponent />);

Multi-line JSX Expressions

Parentheses are used when writing a multi-line JSX expression. In the example, we see that the component’s return statement is split over multiple lines. Therefore it is wrapped in parentheses.

return (
<p>Be the change you wish to see in the world.</p>
Mahatma Gandhi

Logic Before return

A React component can contain JavaScript before any JSX is returned. The JavaScript before the return statement informs any logic necessary to render the component.

In the example code, we see JavaScript prior to the return statement which rounds the value to an integer.

function Integer() {
const value = 3.14;
const asInteger = Math.round(value);
return <p>{asInteger}</p>;

Object Properties As Attribute Values

In React, JSX attribute values can be set through data stored in regular JavaScript objects. We see this in the example block of code.

In our code example we first see our JavaScript object seaAnemones and the values stored with this image. We then see how these stored values are used to set the <img> attributes in our JSX expression for the SeaAnemones component.

const seaAnemones = {
alt: 'Sea Anemones',
width: '300px',
function SeaAnemones () {
return (
<h1>Colorful Sea Anemones</h1>

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