TypeScript allows you to specifically type an object using an interface that can be reused by multiple objects. To create an interface, use the interface
keyword followed by the interface name and the typed object.
interface Publication {isbn: string;author: string;publisher: string;}
In TypeScript, type aliases can define composite types such as objects and unions as well as primitive types such as numbers and strings; interface, however, can only define objects. Interface is useful in typing objects written for object-oriented programs.
// Type alias can define a union typetype ISBN = number | string;// Type alias can define an object typetype PublicationT = {isbn: ISBN;author: string;publisher: string;}// Interface can only define an object typeinterface PublicationI {isbn: ISBN;author: string;publisher: string;}
To apply a TypeScript interface to a class, add the implements
keyword after the class name followed by the interface name. TypeScript will check and ensure that the object actually implements all the properties and methods defined inside the interface.
interface Shape {area: number;computeArea: () => number;}const PI: number = 22/7 ;// Circle class implements the Shape interfaceclass Circle implements Shape {radius: number;area: number;constructor(radius: number) {this.radius = radius;this.area = this.computeArea();}computeArea = (): number => {return PI * this.radius * this.radius;}}let target = new Circle(3);console.log(target.area.toFixed(2)); // Prints "28.29"
TypeScript allows both type aliases and interface to be nested. An object typed with a nested interface should have all its properties structured the same way as the interface definition.
// This is a nested interfaceinterface Course {description: {name: string;instructor: {name: string;}prerequisites: {courses: string[];}}}class myCourse implements Course {description = {name: '',instructor: {name: ''},prerequisites: {courses: []}}}
Since interfaces are composable, TypeScript allows you to nest interfaces within an interface.
// Date is composed of primitive typesinterface Date {month: number;day: number;year: number}// Passport is composed of primitive types and nested with another interfaceinterface Passport {id: string;name: string;citizenship: string;expiration: Date;}// Ticket is composed of primitive types and nested with another interfaceinterface Ticket {seat: string;expiration: Date;}// TravelDocument is nested with two other interfacesinterface TravelDocument {passport: Passport;ticket: Ticket;}
Like JavaScript classes, an interface can inherit properties and methods from another interface using the extends
keyword. Members from the inherited interface are accessible in the new interface.
interface Brand {brand: string;}// Model inherits property from Brandinterface Model extends Brand {model: string;}// Car has a Model interfaceclass Car implements Model {brand;model;constructor(brand: string, model: string) {this.brand = brand;this.model = model;}log() {console.log(`Drive a ${this.brand} ${this.model} today!`);}}const myCar: Car = new Car('Nissan', 'Sentra');myCar.log(); // Prints "Drive a Nissan Sentra today!"
Property names of an object are assumed to be strings, but they can also be numbers. If you don’t know in advance the types of these property names, TypeScript allows you to use an index signature to specify the type for the property name inside an object. To specify an index signature, use square brackets, [...]
, to surround the type notation for the property name.
interface Code {[code: number]: string;}const codeToStates: Code = {603: 'NH', 617: 'MA'};interface ReverseCode {[code: string]: number;}const stateToCodes: ReverseCode = {'NH': 603, 'MA': 617};
TypeScript allows you to specify optional properties inside an interface. This is useful in situations where not all object properties have values assigned to them. To indicate if a property is optional, append a ?
symbol after the property name before the colon, :
interface Profile {name: string;age: number;hobbies?: string[];}// The property, hobbies, is optional, but name and age are required.const teacher: Profile = {name: 'Tom Sawyer', age: 18};