Function parameters may be given type annotations with the same syntax as variable declarations – a colon next to the name. The type annotations ensure that the parameters are of the correct type.
function greet(noun: string) {console.log(`Hello, ${noun}!`);}greet('World'); // Prints: Hello, Worldgreet(2020); // Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Sometimes we would like to skip providing values to function calls. We can declare some parameters in a function to be optional if a value is not provided for all arguments in a function. We do this by adding a question mark symbol, ?
, after the parameter name before the colon, :
function greet(name?: string) {console.log(`Hello, ${ name || 'stranger' }!`);}greet(); // Prints: Hello, stranger!
If we assign a function parameter to have a default value, TypeScript will infer the parameter type to be the same as the default value’s type.
function exponentiation(power = 1) {console.log(4 ** power);}exponentiation(); // Prints: 4exponentiation(4); // Prints: 256exponentiation(true); // Error: Argument of type 'true' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number | undefined'.
By looking at the types of the values in a function’s return
statement, TypeScript can infer the return
type of a function.
function factOrFiction() {return Math.random() >= .5 ? 'true' : 'false';}const myAnswer : boolean = factOrFiction(); // Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'
If a function does not return any value, then you can specify void
as a return type using type annotation.
function sayHello(): void {console.log('Hello!')}
We can be explicit about what type a function returns by adding type annotation (:
followed by the type) after a function’s closing parenthesis, )
function trueOrFalse(value: boolean): boolean {if (value) {return true;}return 'false'; // Typescript Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.}