git stash
allows you to get back to a clean commit point with a synchronized working tree, and avoid losing your local changes in the process of switching branches or tasks.
You’re “stashing” your local work temporarily in order to update a previous commit and later on retrieve your work.
You can use git stash pop
to retrieve from your stash.
git log
allows you to view the commit history of the branch you currently have checked out.
git log --oneline
show the list of commits in one line format. `git log -S “keyword” displays a list of commits that contain the keyword in the message.
git log --oneline --graph
displays a visual representation of how the branches and commits were created in order to help you make sense of your repository history.
git commit --amend
flag allows you to update a commit. To avoid creating a new one, you could create your changes, stage them with git add
and then type the command git commit --amend
to update your previous commit.
The terminal editor will ask you to update your commit message.
If you have a set of commands that you use regularly and want to save some time from typing them, you can easily set up an alias for each command using Git config.
The following terminal command
git config --global alias.glop "log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph"
allows you to reduce the entire command to:
git glop
The git status
command is used within a Git repository to its current status including the current commit, any modified files, and any new files not being tracked by Git.
The output of git status
can vary widely, and it often includes helpful messages to direct the user to manage their repository. For example, git status
will show the user the files they would commit by running git commit
and the files they could commit by running git add
before running git commit
The git init
command creates or initializes a new Git project, or repository. It creates a .git folder with all the tools and data necessary to maintain versions. This command only needs to be used once per project to complete the initial setup. For instance, the code block sets up the home folder as a new git repository.
$ cd /home$ git init
The git diff filename
command will display the differences between the working directory and the staging area in one specific file. Use git diff filename
before adding new content to ensure that you are making the changes you expect.
$ git diff hello.txtdiff --git a/hello.txt b/hello.txtindex 557db03..980a0d5 100644--- a/hello.txt+++ b/hello.txt@@ -1 +1 @@-Hello World+Hello World!
In Git, the git log
command shows all of the commit logs for a project. The following is displayed for each commit:
This command is particularly useful when you need to refer back to an old version of your project. The unique SHA code allows you to identify a point in your program’s history that you would like to revert to.
$ git logcommit 9d63f80111447544c303e9f1776fa08593a87310Date: Wed Jan 13 18:55:53 2021 +0000Added updates to the filecommit 3ba6efbeece6ed530d85de5e313e52123fdf8cb4Date: Wed Jan 6 10:11:13 2021 -0400Completed first line of dialogue
The git commit -m "log message here"
command creates a new commit containing:
A commit is the last step in our Git workflow. A commit permanently stores changes from the staging area inside the repository. This command is almost always used in conjunction with the git add
command as git add
is used to add files to the staging area.
$ git commit -m "Added About section to README"[master 9d63f80] Added About section to README1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Git is a command line software that keeps track of changes made to a project over time. Git works by recording the changes made to a project, storing those changes, then allowing a programmer to reference them as needed.
All Git commands follow the pattern git <action>
and, in order to use Git for a project, a project must first be initialized using the git init
command in the project’s root directory.
The git add filename
command is used to add the filename
file to the staging area. After your changes have been staged, you can use the git commit
command to permanently store your changes.
A Git project has three parts:
The Git workflow consists of editing files in the working directory, adding files to the staging area, and saving changes to a Git repository.
In Git, the commit you are currently on is known as the HEAD
The output of the git show HEAD
command will display everything the git log
command displays for the HEAD
commit, plus all the file changes that were committed.
$ git show HEADcommit 735359632f3ca3fe572484a4ec3e0d7b0d9c8f2dDate: Wed Jul 6 10:20:58 2016 -0400scene-5.txtdiff --git a/scene-5.txt b/scene-5.txtindex b12dd97..5dd5d4e 100644--- a/scene-5.txt+++ b/scene-5.txt@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@ Hamlet:I will.+Ghost:+My hour is almost come,+When I to sulphurous and tormenting flames+Must render up myself.\ No newline at end of file
In Git, the git reset commit_SHA
command can be used to set HEAD
to the commit_SHA
commit. The commit_SHA
argument is the first seven digits of a previous commit’s SHA. In this example, the HEAD
was reset to the commit made on Wed Jan 6
You can use git log
to see a record of previous commits and their SHA values.
$ git logcommit 9d63f80111447544c303e9f1776fa08593a87310Date: Wed Jan 13 18:55:53 2021 +0000Added updates to the filecommit 3ba6efbeece6ed530d85de5e313e52123fdf8cb4Date: Wed Jan 6 10:11:13 2021 -0400Completed first line of dialogue$ git reset 3ba6efb
In Git, the git add filename_1 filename_2
command is used to add multiple files to the staging area at once.
You can use git status
to check if you properly added your files to the staging area.
$ git add scene-5.txt scene-7.txt$ git statusOn branch masterChanges to be committed:(use ""git reset HEAD <file>..."" to unstage)modified: scene-5.txtmodified: scene-7.txt
In Git, the git reset HEAD filename
command will remove filename
from the staging area. Note that this command does not discard file changes from the working directory. You might use this command if you’ve added a file to the staging area, but the file includes incorrect edits.
You can use the git status
command to make sure your file was properly removed from the staging area.
$ git reset HEAD scene-3.txtUnstaged changes after reset:M scene-3.txt
In Git, the git checkout HEAD filename
command rolls back all changes that have been made to filename
since the last commit. In other words, this command will change your working directory to look exactly as it did when you last made a commit.
You can use the git diff
command to see if the rollback was successful. If git diff
doesn’t output anything, this means your working directory matches your last commit.
$ git checkout HEAD scene-5.txt$ git diff$
In Git, the main project is completed on the main
branch. Making your first commit in a new git repository will automatically create a main
branch. Create new branches from the main
branch to develop new features for a project. These branches can be merged into main
at a later time to incorporate the new features. You can use git branch
to check what branch you’re on.
$ git initInitialized empty Git repository in /home/ccuser/new-project/.git/$ echo "Hello World!" >> hello.txt$ git add hello.txt$ git commit -m 'initial commit'[master (root-commit) bb0e565] initial commit1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)create mode 100644 hello.txt$ git branch* master
In Git, the git branch -d branch_name
command is used to delete the branch_name
branch. It’s good practice to delete a branch after it has been merged into the master
A pull request is a feature of GitHub and other source code management tools that allow a repository’s collaborators to review and give feedback on proposed code changes before they are accepted and merged to another branch, usually the main branch. Each pull request creates a discussion forum that can be used by reviewers and authors alike to highlight or add comments to a single line of code or chunk of code, add videos or images, etc.
Going through the pull request process can increase group knowledge, improve product quality, and develop professional skills through group critique.