Career Path

Full-Stack Engineer

A full-stack engineer can get a project done from start to finish, back-end to front-end.

Includes JavaScript, Node.JS, SQL, Express.JS, React, TDD, and more.

287,055 learners enrolled

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  • Skill level

  • Time to complete

    Average based on combined completion rates — individual pacing in lessons, projects, and quizzes may vary
    150 hours
  • Projects

  • Prerequisites


About this career path

A full-stack engineer can get a project done from start to finish. This Career Path will start with the front-end, move on to the back-end, then teach you how to connect the two.

Average Salary (US)


51 units • 162 lessons • 97 projects • 142 quizzes
  • 1

    Welcome to the Full-Stack Engineer Path

    Welcome to the Full-Stack Engineer Career Path!

  • 2

    Overview of Web Development

    Get an overview of the field of web development to understand what you’ll be studying.

  • 3

    Fundamentals of HTML

    Learn to build a structure for a website using HTML.

  • 4

    Fundamentals of CSS

    Learn how to apply styles to HTML documents using CSS.

  • 5

    Developing Websites Locally

    Get acquainted with text editors and Chrome DevTools to develop websites locally.

  • 6

    Deploying Websites

    Learn how to deploy websites using GitHub Pages and the command line.

  • 7

    Improved Styling with CSS

    Explore intermediate topics in CSS to customize styles and implement navigation elements.

  • Professional certification available with Pro

    Pass all exams to prove your expertise and earn a professional certification.

The platform

Hands-on learning

Animated GIF of an AI provided error explanation within Codecademy's learning environment
An AI-generated hint within the instructions of a Codecademy project
Animated GIF of Codecademy's Job Readiness Checker tool generating a compatibility report for a senior software engineer role
Animated GIF of building a phone screen interview using Codecademy's Interview Simulator
A fill-in-the-blank JavaScript question in a Codecademy assessment
  • The progress I have made since starting to use codecademy is immense! I can study for short periods or long periods at my own convenience - mostly late in the evenings.
    Codecademy Learner @ USA
  • I felt like I learned months in a week. I love how Codecademy uses learning by practice and gives great challenges to help the learner to understand a new concept and subject.
    Codecademy Learner @ UK
  • Brilliant learning experience. Very interactive. Literally a game changer if you're learning on your own.
    Codecademy Learner @ USA

Earn a professional certification

Prove your expertise to yourself — and prospective employers by passing all certification exams in this career path. Easily share your certifications with your network — and prospective employers.
  • Demonstrate your expertiseProvide evidence of competency and mastery of your chosen subject to employers.
  • Take industry standard assessmentsYour skills are assessed through a rigorous exam process based on industry standard core competencies.
  • Skip ahead to the examDon't waste time learning what you already know — go straight to taking a certification exam.

Our learners work at

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Job-readiness checker

See how well your skills and experience match the job postings you’re interested in. Our job-readiness checker uses artificial intelligence to show you what you need to work on to qualify for a role.Try it out

Frequently asked

  • Career paths teach you exactly what you need to start a new career. Curated by our team of experts, career paths contain a collection of courses, projects, prep for technical interviews, and more. By the end, you’ll be ready to start interviewing for entry-level jobs in the career of your choice.

Everything you need for a Full-Stack Engineer career

  • Job-readiness checker
    Use AI to evaluate how well your skills and experience meet the requirements of a job posting.
    Powered by AI
  • Portfolio projects
    Apply what you're learning to create recruiter-ready projects for your portfolio.
  • Interview simulator
    Use AI to identify strengths and see how to improve your interviewing skills to land your dream tech job.
    Powered by AI
  • Job listings
    Get personalized job postings, connect with employers hiring tech talent, and easily apply for open roles.
How it works

Start your new career faster

  1. Learn the skills

    This expertly curated career path gives you all the knowledge and experience you need to start this career.
  2. Prep for interviews

    Assess if you're ready to apply for jobs, then build your confidence with code challenges and practice questions.
  3. Get hired

    Showcase your skills with a Codecademy professional certification and connect with employers directly.

Become a Full-Stack Engineer

Start my career change

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