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Dynamic Webpages using PHP

PHP is a server scripting language. This server side code can be used to fill out HTML templates in order to create a complete HTML document for a visitor. This finished document is called a dynamic webpage.

Dynamic PHP webpages can deliver a custom set of assets to each visitor, unlike static pages which deliver the same set of assets to everyone.

Embedding PHP Code

PHP can generate HTML when saved as a file with a .php extension. These files must always start with the tag <?php (closing tag is optional).

PHP can also be embedded into HTML. In this case, both opening tag <?php and closing tag ?> are used.

For example, in the given code, the PHP code has been embedded into the HTML by enclosing it within the <?php and ?> tags.

echo "Hello PHP World!";

PHP foreach loop shorthand

In PHP, the shorthand for a foreach loop is:

foreach ($array as $value):
# code block

When embedding in HTML, this is preferable to the bracket syntax, since it is much more clear which code block is being ended with the endforeach.

$array = [0, 1];
foreach ($array as $i):

PHP while loop shorthand

In PHP, the shorthand for a while loop is:

# code block

When embedding in HTML, this is preferable to the bracket syntax, since it is much more clear which code block is being ended with the endwhile.

$i = 0;
while ($i < 2):

PHP for loop shorthand

In PHP, the shorthand for a for loop is:

for (/*condition*/):
# code block

When embedding in HTML, this is preferable to the bracket syntax, since it is much more clear which code block is being ended with the endfor.

for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++):

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