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Merging and Aggregating Data


Aggregation refers to using one value to describe multiple datapoints. Calculating an average is the classic example of aggregation, because we use one value (the average) to describe the “center” of multiple datapoints.

Aggregations like the average are also called summary statistics because they summarize an entire group of data using a statistic.

NumPy Library

NumPy is a Python library for mathematical computations, including summary statistics.

The standard convention to import NumPy is to use the alias np:

import numpy as np

The pandas library is built on top of NumPy, which means we can apply NumPy functions to pandas objects like Series and DataFrames.

NumPy Functions

Some common NumPy aggregation functions include

  • np.mean(), np.median() for the mean and median
  • np.max(), np.min() for maximum and minimum values
  • np.sum() to sum all the values in an array

For example, let’s use NumPy to calculate the mean test score in scores:

student_ID test_score
001 87
002 93
003 90
004 96
005 85
# Output: 90.2

Pandas Aggregations

Pandas provides built-in methods to aggregate DataFrame columns.

Common built-in summary methods include:

  • .mean() returns the mean
  • .median() returns the median
  • .std() returns the standard deviation
  • .max() and .min() return the maximum and minimum values respectively
  • .nunique() returns the count of unique values
  • .count() returns the count of non-null values
  • .sum() returns the sum
# Summarize a single column
# Summarize multiple columns
df[['col1', 'col2']].summary_method()

Pandas .groupby() Method

The pandas .groupby() method splits a DataFrame into groups corresponding to the unique values in a column.

Here is the df referred to in the code snippet:

date home_team away_team win_margin
2021-09-24 El Salvador Guatemala -2
2019-07-07 United States Mexico -1
2021-06-27 El Salvador Guatemala 0
2016-03-25 El Salvador Honduras 0
# Split df into groups based on each home_team
# Split df into groups based on home_team vs away_team matchups
df.groupby(['home_team', 'away_team'])

Applying Pandas Aggregations

Calling an aggregation method in Pandas after performing a groupby will apply that aggregation to the individual groups in the groupby.

For example, the code snippet uses .sum() to sum the total number of home_score goals by each home_team in df:

home_team home_score
England 3
Brazil 3
South Korea 2
England 2
# Applying the aggregation function .sum()
# Output:
# home_team
# Brazil 3
# England 5
# South Korea 2

Pandas .agg() Method

Pandas’ .agg() method is a flexible way to apply aggregation functions to groups of a groupby.

The input to .agg() is a dictionary where

  • the keys specify which columns to aggregate
  • the values are the aggregation functions to apply

For example, the code snippet applies sum to compute the total number of home_score goals by each home_team in df:

home_team home_score
England 3
Brazil 3
South Korea 2
England 2
# Using .agg() to apply aggregation functions
# Output:
# home_team
# Brazil 3
# England 5
# South Korea 2

Pandas .pivot_table() Method

The pandas method pd.pivot_table() transforms a DataFrame into wide format that is more human-readable using the input parameters:

  • index is used to label the rows of the table
  • columns is used to label the columns of the table
  • values is used to fill the table
  • aggfunc is the aggregation function applied to values

For example, say df contains sales data for two products in two regions:

Product Region Sales
A Asia 1000
B Asia 1500
A Asia 800
B North America 1200
A North America 1100
B North America 1700

The code snippet pivots df to calculate the mean sales of each product in each region:

Product A B
Asia 900 1500
North America 1100 1450
# Pivot df to calculate the mean sales of each product in each region
pivot_table = pd.pivot_table(df,


Split-apply-combine or SAC is a common workflow in data science to answer data questions.

SAC involves a three-step process where we

  1. Split the dataset into one or more pieces
  2. Apply a function or transformation to each piece
  3. Combine the results from each piece

Pandas Inner Merge

An inner merge combines two DataFrames by identifying matching values. For example, here are two DataFrames

Category Value
A 1
B 2
Category Value
B 3
C 4

In an inner merge on the Category columns, only the matching category B would be retained, together with the corresponding data from both DataFrames:

Category Value_x Value_y
B 2 3

The pandas code is

pd.merge(left = X,
right = Y,
left_on = 'Category',
right_on = 'Category',
how = 'inner')
An animation of the inner merge example given in the text description.

Pandas Left/Right Merge

In Pandas, a left or right merge combines two DataFrames, preserving all rows on either the left or the right DataFrame respectively.

The type is specified using the how keyword:

pd.merge(left = X,
right = Y,
left_on = 'Category',
right_on = 'Category',
how = 'right')

For example, here are two DataFrames:

Category Value
A 1
B 2
Category Value
B 3
C 4

Performing a right merge, we maintain all rows of the right DataFrame:

Category Value_x Value_y
B 3
C 4

and then add on any existing data from the left DataFrame:

Category Value_x Value_y
B 2.0 3
C NaN 4
An animation of a left merge.

Pandas Outer Merge

In Pandas, an outer merge combines two (or more) DataFrames, maintaining all rows from both DataFrames. To perform an outer merge, specify outer as the how argument:

pd.merge(left = X,
right = Y,
left_on = 'Category',
right_on = 'Category',
how = 'outer')

For example, here are two DataFrames

Category Value
A 1
B 2
Category Value
B 3
C 4

To outer merge them, we match values to the different categories, filling in NaNs where no value exists:

Category Value_x Value_y
A 1 NaN
B 2 3
C NaN 4
An animation of an outer merge.

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