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Portfolio projects in HTML & CSS
Build a project for your portfolio.
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4 projects
- Portfolio ProjectHTML & CSS • JavaScript • Web developmentMake a full-stack e-commerce app that lets users register accounts, browse products, and make purchases.
Create an E-Commerce App (Part Two)
Independent, 10 hrsPortfolio Ready - Portfolio ProjectPython • HTML & CSS • Web developmentUtilize the Django framework to create an app that helps track a restaurant's inventory and sales.
Django Delights
Independent, 20 hrsPortfolio Ready - Portfolio ProjectHTML & CSS • JavaScript • Web developmentCreate an inspirational homepage where you can check the weather, read an inspirational quote, view a pretty image, and write down your goals for the day.
Inspirational Homepage
Independent, 120 hrsPortfolio Ready - Portfolio ProjectHTML & CSS • JavaScript • Web development • Developer toolsBuild your own portfolio website to showcase the projects that you make on Codecademy!
Portfolio Website
Independent, 5 hrsPortfolio Ready