How to Choose the Right Industry Certification for Your Goals
A beginner’s guide for getting started with IT, cybersecurity, and cloud certifications.
Explore different tech jobs and learn how to advance in your career and maintain work-life balance.
A beginner’s guide for getting started with IT, cybersecurity, and cloud certifications.
This Learn From Home Series event features members of the Codecademy People Team, diving into tips for searching for a job, interviewing for a job, and starting a new job from home.
Learning web development skills empowered me to help others learn the same. In this article, I describe my career switch and my role as a Codecademy Coach.
What does a product manager do? And why have they become such an important part of the tech world? Allow us to explain.
A data science portfolio is a great way to showcase your skill set in lieu of work experience. This article will provide some tips to help jumpstart yours.
Learning to program tends to center around, well, programming. But developers spend most of their time on tasks that require a different set of skills.
Ryan Tuck, a Data Engineer at Warby Parker, dropped by our office to work on a Learn SQL from Scratch project. I broke out my notebook to ask some questions.
We sat down with Luba Yudasina, a YouTuber, opera singer, and software engineer at Airbnb, to discuss her journey from Codecademy to Airbnb.
When I walked into my first coding interview, I assumed I didn’t have to understand data structures and algorithms. Oh, how I was wrong.
My experiences as a computer science student, teacher, and curriculum developer have given me a perspective on CS education that I would love to share.
Data science is one of this century’s hottest fields, but breaking in is still a little confusing. This is a step-by-step guide to landing your first gig.