Learning Tips

Learning to code — or thinking about it? Here’s how to get started, plus tips and tricks for staying motivated.

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1082 articles

Build an Alien Chatbot Livestream

By Codecademy Team

The 1950s ushered in excitement about outer space and, incidentally, UFO sightings and conspiracies about alien life. The decade also […]


JavaScript: How Did It Get So Popular?

By Kyla Brown

How the first browser war— and an especially productive 10 days—led to the creation of JavaScript, the most important language in modern web development.


Why Is Coding So Hard? | Part 2

By Pat DePuydt

Pat DePuydt is an artist-turned-coding teacher who wants you to know that you’re not alone. In Part 2, he offers strategies for overcoming coding difficulties.


Why Is Coding So Hard? | Part 1

By Pat DePuydt

Pat DePuydt is an artist-turned-coding teacher who wants you to know that you’re not alone. In Part 1, he outlines his students’ most common challenges.


What is an API?

By Phil Sturgeon

Ask most developers what an API is and you’ll probably get lost in a sea of acronyms. Before thinking it’s all over your head, read this explainer.