New Courses: Learn Amazon Alexa Skills Development
Today, we’re thrilled to announce a new series of free courses that will teach even beginners how to build and […]
Today, we’re thrilled to announce a new series of free courses that will teach even beginners how to build and […]
We’re proud to support Hacktoberfest and a month-long celebration of open source. We invite our community of learners to sharpen their skills and test their knowledge while contributing their expertise.
As part of the White House TechHire initiative, Codecademy is excited to announce our new partnership with the Obama administration, focusing on helping underrepresented and diverse groups of citizens get the skills they need to find jobs through code.
In November, we partnered with the leading non-traditional providers of coding education across the country to launch ReskillUSA, a partnership designed to educate Americans on the range of options that exist to teach absolute beginners the skills they need to find meaningful work.
We’re proud to announce that Codecademy is partnering with and Google in an effort to double the number of high school girls studying Computer Science.
This is an excerpt of an article by Jon L. Denby of NYU explaining a Coding 101 course using our […]
Last Friday, Codecademy and NYU held the first class to teach digital literacy and coding to NYU students. It was […]
We’ve been blown away by the response to Code Year, our latest initiative. In less than 7 days, more than […]