Good news! We’re overhauling the first unit in Learn Python that covers syntax.
Why? Python has changed a lot over the years, so we’re rearranging concepts and correlating copy to teach these new updates in a clearer more concise way. We’ll also spend more time discussing errors to help you move past initial uneasiness and start debugging programs with confidence. We’re hoping that these updates mean you’ll learn faster and more efficiently.
How does this impact you? If you’ve previously started Learn Python, you may notice changes to your lesson completion progress bar. We’re also updating the narrative and code for the entire first lesson Learn Python: Syntax.
If you revisit any of these exercises, you’ll notice changes to workspace code. If you were in the middle of an exercise, you will find yourself in the new version of that exercise.
When? The courses will be updated beginning at 11:00 AM EST on Tuesday, March 13, 2018. We expect the updates to be finalized by 3:00 PM EST the same day. During this time, the course will be unavailable.
Take a look below to get an overview of the updates.
Changes to Learn Python
Includes new exercises, quiz questions, and we have repurposed our project.
Learn Python: Syntax now features exercises on:
Print Statements
Python Errors
Data Types
Python 2 vs Python 3