We’re updating the way we teach HTTP requests. You’ll see changes in the JavaScript course as we deprecate the use of Google’s URL Shortener API and use Rebrandly & Datamuse to teach HTTP requests. Introduction to JavaScript

Why? APIs are powerful—they allow developers to leverage existing content and services and integrate them quickly into new applications without building everything from the ground up.

Think of Slack’s integrations with Asana. Both teams are leveraging the other’s API to build the integration.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. When APIs change, developers need to react, update, and adjust alongside them.

On May 30, 2018, Google will stop supporting its URL Shortener API. We’ve used this API since summer 2017 to teach HTTP requests with JavaScript, which means we’ve got to make updates to our courses.

Starting May 24, we will start using two different exciting APIs, Rebrandly and Datamuse, to teach JavaScript requests. We’ve also taken the opportunity to revise and improve the lessons, and we hope you’ll enjoy the new versions.

How does this impact you? If you’ve previously worked on the JavaScript Requests course, you will lose the code you’ve already written in these lessons. However, your progress will remain the same. You can complete these lessons again if you’d like the challenge of using a new API!

When? We will make the new lessons live Thursday, May 24th at 12:00PM ET (4:00PM GMT/UTC).

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