Exercise Keyboard Shortcuts
Many of you have requested keyboard shortcuts to navigate between exercises in a course. As of a few days ago, you may have noticed the following revised keyboard shortcuts instructions:
Mac users:
Windows/Linux users:
Why these keys?
We chose key combinations that wouldn’t conflict with existing browser actions. For example, a combination of ⌘ + N or CTRL + N already tells your browser to open up a new tab.
With our new shortcuts, you can move to the next exercise of a section by pressing ⌥ + T or ALT + T. You can also move to the previous exercise using ⌥ + P or ALT + P.
Next Exercise’s Information
When you complete an exercise, you’ll now see the name of the upcoming exercise.
This new change makes it a little bit easier to see your progress in the console.
Discuss these features in our forum!