
garanews's avatar
Published Mar 15, 2023Updated Oct 12, 2023
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Switch statements execute a code block from a list of case conditions for which the expression validates as true. Switch statements are similar to if/else statements.


switch (expression)
  case alpha:
    // Code block
  case beta:
    // Code block
    // Code block

A switch statement includes one or more case conditions. The case conditions are evaluated in top-to-bottom order. If none of the case conditions evaluate to true, the default condition is executed. If no default is defined, the switch statement is bypassed.

Common Switch syntax definitions:

  • switch: Definition of the switch statement.
  • expression: The logic each case will be evaluated against.
  • case: A value the expression is matched against. If the case matches the result of the expression, the code block within the case will be executed.
  • break (recommended): Terminates the switch statement. Recommended at the end of each case and default to terminate the switch once the case has been fulfilled. A switch statement tests all cases unless a break, throw, or return statement is used to direct control out of the switch. If no break statement exists in a case, C# will throw a compile time error.
  • default (optional): The behavior executed if no case condition matches the expression.

Codebyte Example

The following example creates a string variable named favoriteTurtle with the value of "Donatello". A switch statement is defined that evaluates the value of favoriteTurtle. If a case matches the value of favoriteTurtle, a corresponding message is printed to the console. If none of the cases in the switch statement match the value of favoriteTurtle, a default message is printed to the console.


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