Published Jun 10, 2022
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Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. They are symbols that tell the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical functions. The C language provides the following types of operators:
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Misc Operators
Arithmetic Operators
C has the following basic arithmetic operators to perform common mathematical operations:
Operator | Name | Description |
+ |
Addition | x + y returns the sum of x and y |
- |
Subtraction | x - y returns the difference of x and y |
* |
Multiplication | x * y returns the product of x and y |
/ |
Division | x / y returns the quotient of x and y |
% |
Modulo | x % y returns the integer remainder of x divided by y |
++ |
Increment | x++ returns x + 1 |
-- |
Decrement | x-- returns x - 1 |
int x = 0;x = x + 4; // x is now 4x = x - 1; // x is now 3x = x * 8; // x is now 24x = x / 4; // x is now 6x = x % 4; // x is now 2x++; // x is now 3x--; // x is now 2
Relational Operators
Relational operators compare two values and return true
or false
Operator | Name | Description |
== |
Equal | x == y is true if x and y are equal. |
!= |
Not Equal | x != y is true if x and y are not equal. |
< |
Less Than | x < y is true if x is less than y . |
> |
Greater Than | x > y is true if x is greater than y . |
<= |
Less Than or Equal to | x <= y is true if x is less than or equal to y . |
>= |
Greater Than or Equal to | x >= y is true if x is greater than or equal to y . |
int x = 7;int y = 5;if (x > y) {// This code will run.}if (x == y) {// This code won't run.}
Logical Operators
Logical operators operate on boolean values and return boolean values.
Operator | Name | Description |
! |
Not | !x is true when x is false and false when x is true . |
&& |
And | x && y is true only if x and y are both true . |
|| |
Or | x || y is true if either x or y is true . |
int x = 7;int y = 5;if (x > y \|\| x == y) {// This code will run.}if (x == y && x < 0) {// This code won't run.}
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise operators manipulate individual bits in an integer.
Operator | Name | Description |
& |
And | Result has bit set only where both operands have that bit set. |
| |
Or | Result has bit set if either operand has that bit set. |
^ |
Xor | Result has bit set only if only one operand has that bit set. |
~ |
Not | Takes a single operand and inverts each bit in it. |
<< |
Left shift | a << b means a ‘s bits are shifted to the left b spaces. |
>> |
Right shift | a >> b means a ‘s bits are shifted to the right b spaces. |
int x;x = 19 & 7;// x is 3 : 10011 & 00111 = 00011x = 19 | 7;// x is 23 : 10011 | 00111 = 10111x = 19 ^ 7;x is 20 : 10011 ^ 00111 = 10100x = 7 << 2;// x is 28 : 00111 << 2 = 11100x = 19 >> 2;// x is 4 : 10011 >> 2 = 00100
Assignment Operators
Assignment operators assign the value on the right to the variable on the left.
Operator | Name | Description |
= |
Assignment | a = 3 assigns value 3 to variable a . |
+= |
Addition Assignment | a += 3 is short for a = a + 3 . |
-= |
Subtraction Assignment | a -= 3 is short for a = a - 3 . |
*= |
Multiplication Assignment | a *= 3 is short for a = a * 3 . |
/= |
Division Assignment | a /= 3 is short for a = a / 3 . |
%= |
Modulo Assignment | a %= 3 is short for a = a % 3 . |
&= |
And Assignment | a &= 3 is short for a = a & 3 . |
|= |
Or Assignment | a |= 3 is short for a = a | 3 . |
^= |
Xor Assignment | a ^= 3 is short for a = a ^ 3 . |
<<= |
Left Shift Assignment | a <<= 3 is short for a = a << 3 . |
>>= |
Right Shift Assignment | a >>= 3 is short for a = a >> 3 . |
Misc Operators
Misc operators don’t fit into a particular category.
Operator | Name | Description |
sizeof() |
Addition Assignment | sizeof(x) returns the size of variable x . |
& |
Address | &x returns the address of variable x . |
* |
Pointer | *x returns a pointer to variable x . Not to be confused with multiplication. |
?: |
Conditional Operator | expression?x:y returns x when expression is true , y otherwise. |
- sizeof()
- Determines the memory size (in bytes) of a given data type or variable and returns it as an integer.
- Ternary operator
- Provides a concise way to write conditional expressions in C.
- Unary operators
- Perform operations on a single operand.
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