
KyraThompson's avatar
Published Jul 15, 2022
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A structure is used to group different types of data together. It is defined using the struct keyword.


struct Name{
  type1 memberName1;
  type2 memberName2;
  type3 memberName3;
  typeN memberNameN;

A structure is made up of members where each memberName has to be declared with a type.


The following example uses the struct keyword to create a Patient structure:

struct Patient{
char name[30];
int age;
int weight;
int heightInInches;

name, age, weight, and heightInInches are members of the Patient structure.

Structure Variables

Variables can be created in order to work with the Patient structure above. The following example declares and initializes a structure variable:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Patient {
char name[30];
int age;
int weight;
int heightInInches;
int main() {
// Variable initialization at declaration
struct Patient patientA = {"Douglas Franklin", 62, 280, 74};
return 0;

Accessing Members

Members can be accessed using the member operator .:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Patient {
char name[30];
int age;
int weight;
int heightInInches;
int main() {
// Variable initialization at declaration
struct Patient patientA = {"Douglas Franklin", 62, 280, 74};
// Accessing members
printf("Name: %s \nAge: %d \nWeight: %d \nHeight: %d\n",, patientA.age, patientA.weight, patientA.heightInInches);
return 0;

This will output the following:

Name: Douglas Franklin
Age: 62
Weight: 280
Height: 74

Nested Structures

A structure can be within another structure. Nested structure members can be accessed using the member operator .. The example below shows a Hospital structure member variable being declared within the Patient structure:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Hospital {
char department[30];
int roomNum;
struct Patient {
char name[30];
int age;
int weight;
int heightInInches;
struct Hospital roomDetails;
int main() {
// Variable initialization at declaration
struct Patient patientA = {"Douglas Franklin", 62, 280, 74, "oncology", 526};
// Accessing nested structure members
printf("Department: %s \nRoom: %d \n", patientA.roomDetails.department, patientA.roomDetails.roomNum);
return 0;

The output is as follows:

Department: oncology
Room: 526

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