Docs Contribution Guide Overview
Get started with these steps
- 1
Claiming an issue
Browse available Issues on GitHub and select one(s) to work on.
- 2
Getting set up on your computer
Create a local copy of the Docs repository (repo) by forking the main remote repo and cloning it onto your computer. Then, create a separate feature branch in the forked repo. In the feature branch, create a markdown file for your entry or edit existing entries depending on the Issue description.
- 3
Writing your doc
Plan your write-up for new entries or edits with the available templates on GitHub for topic, concept, or term entries. Then, to your best ability, self-revise your entry as needed to match the Docs style and format.
- 4
Creating a pull request and revisions
Commit changes on your feature branch with a meaningful message and push up to the forked remote repo. Then, create a pull request (PR) on GitHub. Maintainers will review your changes, request for improvements, and continue this process until the PR meets technical and formatting standards.
Frequently asked questions
There are several benefits to contributing to Docs. Contributing to documentation is a great way to build out a portfolio of technical content that you can show to potential employers. By adding to documentation on Codecademy, you will be helping other learners get support on their journey while helping yourself develop mastery over the content you are studying. Finally, frequent Docs contributors become eligible to join the Code Crew, Codecademy’s super user program, whose benefits include Free Pro Access, networking opportunities, and several other exciting benefits. Go to our Contribute to Docs page to learn more about the benefits of getting involved.
Top Community Contributors
- BrandonDusch579 total contributions
- StevenSwiniarski474 total contributions
- Christine_Yang271 total contributions
- garanews224 total contributions
- THE-Spellchecker154 total contributions
- CaupolicanDiaz142 total contributions
- robgmerrill124 total contributions
- KyraThompson73 total contributions
- cslylla58 total contributions
- EugeneGoh_52 total contributions
- Not-Ethan48 total contributions
- theeguru___45 total contributions
- asiqurr43 total contributions
- MamtaWardhani42 total contributions
- noahpgordon40 total contributions
- itispragativerma656085008037 total contributions
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- dakshdeepHERE36 total contributions
- YanisaHS34 total contributions
- short_matthew_f33 total contributions
- arisdelaCruz141361885732 total contributions
- grace_k29 total contributions
- ishg-15328 total contributions
- CyberRedPanda27 total contributions
- jameskeezer23 total contributions
- Victoria-DR22 total contributions
- andersooi21 total contributions
- CBID220 total contributions
- nikolaspoczekaj20 total contributions
- design246136080119 total contributions
- JeremyBarbosa18 total contributions
- Prince2517 total contributions
- Jens.G.R.16 total contributions
- abereFejiro995340965015 total contributions
- cilippofilia14 total contributions
- net137228473814 total contributions
- tefyfernandez13 total contributions
- artyspangler13 total contributions
- TekASip13 total contributions
- ChiragAgg5k13 total contributions
- Roshan-Singh13 total contributions
- DaniTellini13 total contributions
- MJLyonnais12 total contributions
- regantewksbury12 total contributions
- hP318894158012 total contributions
- marjoriekohn11 total contributions
- astro_satyam7511 total contributions
- Brag2gr811 total contributions
- AntrikshDangi10 total contributions
- Son0-lory10 total contributions
- bpascazio10 total contributions
- manviii_2710 total contributions
- bhagyamudgal9 total contributions
- Mikikiv9 total contributions
- vrun12089 total contributions
- tanishq-singh-23018 total contributions
- anjar.bra8 total contributions
- Nessvah8 total contributions
- ArvindNexus8 total contributions
- deenovita8 total contributions
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- krushnarout8 total contributions
- NBarnhouse7 total contributions
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- Atreay6 total contributions
- ramanLamichhane87568053396 total contributions
- TECHBREAUX6 total contributions
- BalaPriyaC6 total contributions
- MMOOAAZZ6 total contributions
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- battaniyeligazi6 total contributions
- core72078777096 total contributions
- Johnniekay6 total contributions
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- RaffyRod5 total contributions
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- EddyCkan5 total contributions
- CliffordMapesa5 total contributions
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- Jess_19955 total contributions
- sneha_sridharan5 total contributions
- DevGat7185 total contributions
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- nelsonboamortesantiago5 total contributions
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- MFValmayor4 total contributions
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- Dashrath_Patel3 total contributions
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