Public Access Modifier

MamtaWardhani's avatar
Published Jan 28, 2025Updated Jan 28, 2025
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In C++, access modifiers control how and where class members (variables and methods) can be accessed. The public keyword makes the associated members accessible from anywhere in the program. This means any code that has access to an instance (object) of the class can read, write, or invoke these members directly.


class ClassName {
  // Public members


The following example demonstrates how to use the public keyword in a class definition:

#include <iostream>
class MyClass {
// Public member variable
int publicVar;
void sayHello() {
// Public member function
std::cout << "Hello from MyClass!\n";
int main() {
MyClass obj;
// Directly access the public variable
obj.publicVar = 42;
std::cout << "obj.publicVar = " << obj.publicVar << std::endl;
// Call the public method
return 0;

The above code will result in the following output:

obj.publicVar = 42
Hello from MyClass!

Codebyte Example

Below is a runnable snippet showcasing public access in a simple C++ class:


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