Local Variables

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Anonymous contributor
Published Nov 12, 2024
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A local variable is a variable whose scope is limited to the function or block where it is defined. It exists only within that function and can only be accessed from there.


void local_variable(){
    int a_local_variable;

The variable a_local_variable is local to the local_variable function in which it is defined. It can only be accessed and used within that function. When the function local_variable exits, the life of a_local_variable ends, and its memory is released.


In the following example, the a_local_variable of integer data type is defined inside the function local_variable():

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void local_variable(){
int a_local_variable = 1;
cout <<a_local_variable;
int main()

The output of the above code will be:


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