Box Sizing

Published Jul 16, 2021Updated Nov 17, 2023
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The box-sizing property allows us to include the padding and border in the calculation of an element’s height and width.


box-sizing: value;

The value for box-sizing property can be one of the following:

  • border-box: Any assigned padding or border is included in the calculation of the height or width of an element. If an element’s width is set to 100px and padding is set to 30px, the padding will be included in the element’s set width resulting in the total width still being 100px.
  • content-box: Default CSS behavior, the assigned height or width of an element plus any padding will be the total height or weight. If an element’s width is set to 100px and padding is set to 50px, the total width for the element will be 150px.

Example 1

Setting a div elements box-sizing to border-box:

.div {
box-sizing: border-box;

Example 2

Setting a div elements box-sizing to content-box:

.div {
box-sizing: content-box;

Examples 1 and 2 can be illustrated as follows:

Illustrates examples 1, and 2 with `box-sizing` set to `border-box`, and `content-box`

This output image has two div containers with a width of 300px, a border of 1px, and a padding of 20px. Inside each container is a div with a width of 100%.

The first container div is set to border-box. Its total width including the black border, tan padding, and blue div is 300px.

The second container div is set to content-box. The width of the blue content div is 300px. The total width of the container div with padding, border, and content div is 342px.

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