
christian.dinh's avatar
Published Jul 27, 2021Updated Sep 9, 2021
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CSS uses units to measure the values of various properties in a stylesheet. The two main types of units are absolute units and relative units.

Absolute Units

Absolute units are CSS units that are of fixed lengths and not relative to any other styles. This includes:

  • px: Pixels (most common)
  • pt: Points
  • mm: Millimeters

Relative Units

Relative units are CSS units whose size is relative to some other length. They could relate to things like:

  • The font-size of a direct parent element
  • The default font-size of the HTML body
  • The size of the viewport

Some common relative units include:

  • em: Property size relative to property size of direct parent element (most common)
  • rem: Property size relative to property size of direct root element
  • vw: Percentage based on width of screen
  • vh: Percentage based on height of screen


<length>: <length-unit>;
  • A <length> is any measurable property, such as border, background-color, and margin.
  • A <length-unit> is the value assigned to a measurable property, such as 2px, 30em, and 10pt.


border-width: 30px;

This sets the border-width to 30 pixels.

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