
andersooi's avatar
Published Dec 19, 2023
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The .duration() method sets the time for which a transition lasts. This method is crucial for creating animated visualizations as it allows developers to control the length of an animation. It accepts a single argument representing the duration in milliseconds for the transition.


  • t: It is the duration of the animation and the only argument taken by the .duration() method. If not specified, the default duration value is set to 250ms for the transition.


Below is an example of how to use the .duration() method to create a transition effect (color change) on an SVG circle:

function changeColor() {
// Select the circle element by its ID
.transition() // Start a transition
.duration(1000) // Set the duration to 1 second
.attr('fill', 'steelblue'); // Change the fill color to steelblue
console.log('Color changed successfully');

In this example, the selection identified by myCircle will smoothly transition its color to steelblue. Once the transition is complete, a console message will confirm its completion.

The following gif shows the transition effect on an SVG circle when the function is called:

D3 transition effect on SVG circle

The output in the console is as follows:

"Color changed successfully"

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