
Laura_Vrkmp's avatar
Published Dec 11, 2023
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The .csv() function in D3 is used to load and parse CSV (Comma-Separated-Values) files or data asynchronously. It returns the data as an array of objects. The function is commonly used in data visualization.


d3.csv(url[[, accessor], callback])
  • url: The URL of the CSV file or a string containing the CSV data.
  • accessor: An optional conversion function to change the representation. It allows for custom data transformation and returns processed data for each row.
  • callback: An optional callback function that executes once the data is loaded and parsed.


In the following example .csv() is used to load and parse CSV data. In this case, the accessor is the anonymous function(d). It uses two callback functions: .then(function(data) {}) and .catch(function(error) {}):

Consider the comma-separated data in example.csv:

Alice,25,New York
Bob,30,San Francisco
Charlie,28,Los Angeles

To load, parse, and print the data in example.csv, the following code is executed:

d3.csv('example.csv', function (d) {
// 'd' is an object representing a row in the CSV
return {
name: d.Name,
age: +d.Age, // Convert age to a number
city: d.City,
.then(function (data) {
// 'data' is an array of processed objects
.catch(function (error) {
// Handle any errors that occurred during loading or parsing
  • The accessor function applies to each row of CSV data, transforming it into an object with the properties name, age, and city.
  • The callback function .then(function(data) {}) handles the processed data whereas .catch(function(error) {}) handles potential errors during the loading process.

The example results in the following output:

{ name: 'Alice', age: 25, city: 'New York' },
{ name: 'Bob', age: 30, city: 'San Francisco' },
{ name: 'Charlie', age: 28, city: 'Los Angeles' },
{ name: 'Darwin', age: 34, city: 'Miami' }

This is the processed data after applying the accessor function and the first callback function.

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