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Published Feb 23, 2024
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The .remove() method is used to remove the first occurrence of an item from a list. It returns true if the item is present and is successfully removed. if the item is not present, it returns false.

Note: The list must be a growable list.


  • list: The name of the list to be modified.
  • value: The value to be removed from the list.


In the following example, the .remove() method is used to delete the first occurrence of the value 1 from the list variable:

void main() {
List list = [2, 1, 3, 5, 1, 7];
print('Original list : ${list}');
bool retValue = list.remove(1);
print('Return value of remove function : ${retValue}');
print('New list : ${list}');
retValue = list.remove(4);
print('Return value of remove function : ${retValue}');
print('New list : ${list}');

The above code will produce the following output:

Original list : [2, 1, 3, 5, 1, 7]
Return value of remove function : true
New list : [2, 3, 5, 1, 7]
Return value of remove function : false
New list : [2, 3, 5, 1, 7]

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