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Published Aug 30, 2024
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The **map.forEach()** method in Dart iterates over each key-value pair in a map and applies a specified function to each pair.


map.forEach((key, value) {
  // Your code here
  • map: It is the map to iterate over.
  • key: It represents the key in each key-value pair.
  • value: It represents the value associated with the key.

The code inside the {} block is executed for each key-value pair in the map.

Alternate syntax:

map.forEach((key, value) => expression);
  • expression: It is the arrow function that defines what you want to do with each key-value pair.

Example 1

The the following example, the .forEach() is used to print each key-value pair:

void main() {
Map<String, int> ages = {
'Alice': 25,
'Bob': 30,
'Charlie': 35,
ages.forEach((name, age) {
print('$name is $age years old.');

The above code produces the following output:

Alice is 25 years old.
Bob is 30 years old.
Charlie is 35 years old.

Example 2

The the following example, The .forEach() method uses an arrow function to print each product and its price in a formatted string:

void main() {
Map<String, double> productPrices = {
'Laptop': 999.99,
'Smartphone': 499.99,
'Tablet': 299.99,
productPrices.forEach((product, price) => print('$product costs \$$price'));

The above code produces the following output:

Laptop costs $999.99
Smartphone costs $499.99
Tablet costs $299.99

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