Data Structures

CaupolicanDiaz's avatar
Published Mar 7, 2023
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Data structures are systems for organizing data that dictate how items relate to one another, are accessed, and modified. Many of these systems are found across most programming languages (e.g. dictionaries, arrays, sets). The respective details of how these structures perform in terms of access/search, updating elements, etc., impact how they are used in practice.

Below are some common data structures found in computer programming:

Data Structures

Stores elements of various data types in an ordered collection.
A class is a piece of code within a program that functions as a template or blueprint for creating multiple instances of a particular object.
A dictionary is an unordered set of (key, value) pairs. It provides a way to map pieces of data to each other, and allows for quick access to values associated to keys. The syntax of a dictionary is as follows: pseudo dictionary = { key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3
Hash Table
A hash table is a data structure that stores an arbitrary number of items, mapping keys to values, and uses a hash function to compute an index.
An object is associative data that commonly takes the form of a data structure, function, method, variable, or class.
A tuple is a data structure consisting of an ordered collection with an arbitrary number of elements.

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