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Published Jan 11, 2024
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Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a language which provides vocabulary for creating ontologies and knowledge graphs. OWL is used to describe the classes, properties, and relations that constitute these semantic data models.

OWL ontologies and knowledge graphs are written in Resource Description Framework (RDF) and consist of RDF statements. RDF is a language used to represent information as semantic data.

OWL Vocabulary

Some important and commonly used OWL terms are described in the tables below.


The following OWL terms are used to declare new classes, individuals, and properties:

OWL Term Usage Syntax Meaning
owl:Class :ex rdf:type owl:Class :ex is an OWL class
owl:NamedIndividual :ex rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual :ex is an OWL named individual
owl:ObjectProperty :ex rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty :ex is an OWL object property
owl:DatatypeProperty :ex rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty :ex is an OWL datatype property

An object property is a predicate which takes an instance of a class as both its subject and object. For example, an object property hasAuthor can be defined as holding between instances of the classes books and authors.

A datatype property is a predicate which takes an instance of a class as its subject and a literal (such as a string or number) as its object. For example, a datatype property soldCopies can be defined as holding between an instance of the class books and an integer number.

A named individual is a particular member of a class.

Relations Between Classes

The following OWL terms are used to describe relationships between OWL classes:

OWL Term Usage Syntax Meaning
owl:intersectionOf :ex1 owl:intersectionOf (:ex2 :ex3) :ex1 contains all and only members of both :ex2 and :ex3
owl:unionOf :ex1 owl:unionOf (:ex2 :ex3) :ex1 contains all and only members of either :ex2 or :ex3
owl:complementOf :ex1 owl:complementOf :ex2 :ex1 contains all and only non-members of :ex2
owl:disjointWith :ex1 owl:disjointWith :ex2 :ex1 contains no members in common with :ex2
owl:AllValuesFrom :ex1 rdf:type owl:Restriction
:ex1 owl:onProperty :ex2
:ex1 owl:AllValuesFrom :ex3
:ex1 contains all and only members that are related by property :ex2 only to members of :ex3
owl:SomeValuesFrom :ex1 rdf:type owl:Restriction
:ex1 owl:onProperty :ex2
:ex1 owl:SomeValuesFrom :ex3
:ex1 contains all and only members that are related by property :ex2 to at least one member of :ex3

Object Property Vocabulary

The following OWL terms are used to describe the behavior of OWL object properties:

OWL Term Usage Syntax Meaning
owl:ReflexiveProperty :ex rdf:type owl:ReflexiveProperty Every individual is related to itself by :ex
owl:IrreflexiveProperty :ex rdf:type owl:IrreflexiveProperty No individual is related to itself by :ex
owl:SymmetricProperty :ex rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty If A is related to B by :ex, then B is related to A by :ex
owl:AsymmetricProperty :ex rdf:type owl:AsymmetricProperty If A is related to B by :ex, then B is not related to A by :ex
owl:TransitiveProperty :ex rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty If A is related to B by :ex, and B is related to C by :ex, then A is related to C by :ex
owl:propertyChainAxiom :ex1 owl:propertyChainAxiom (:ex2 :ex3) If A is related to B by :ex2, and B is related to C by :ex3, then A is related to C by :ex1
owl:propertyDisjointWith :ex1 owl:propertyDisjointWith :ex2 If A is related to B by :ex1, then A is not related to B by :ex2

OWL Profiles

There are three profiles or fragments of OWL that can be used in place of the complete OWL vocabulary. These profiles avoid some OWL vocabulary in order to increase the efficiency of query and automated reasoning tools used on OWL ontologies.

OWL profiles are briefly described below:

  • OWL / EL (Existential Logic): OWL / EL is designed for building ontologies that define large numbers of classes and properties.
  • OWL / QL (Query Logic): OWL / QL is designed for building ontologies that can be used to query data in relational databases through traditional query languages (such as SQL).
  • OWL / RL (Rules Logic): OWL / RL is designed for building ontologies that work with business rules engines.

OWL Namespace

OWL vocabulary is stored at the following IRI (International Resource Identifier):


The prefix owl is conventionally used as shorthand for this IRI in OWL ontologies and is used this way in the tables above.

Note: OWL profiles share the same IRI with full OWL. It is up to the ontology designer to avoid using non-compliant vocabulary when creating an ontology with an OWL profile.

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