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Published Dec 18, 2022
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A comment is a piece of text within a program that is not executed. It can be used to provide additional information to aid in understanding the code.

Single-line Comments

Single-line comments are created using two consecutive forward slashes. The compiler ignores any text after // on the same line.

// This line will denote a single-line comment in Go

Multi-line Comments

Multi-line comments are created using /* to begin the comment, and */ to end the comment. The compiler ignores any text in between:

This is all commented out.
None of it is going to run!

Multi-line comments can also be created using // to begin each line:

// This is all commented out.
// None of it is going to run!

Doc Comment

Doc comments are used to provide details and descriptions of a program such as the author of the code, the date the code was written, and a description of the program. Multi-line comments can be used to create a doc comment at the top of the file. Below is a sample Doc comment:

// File Name : hello.go
// Description : This program prints hello world to the display
// Author : Maheshwaran Dhandapani
// Date : 11/12/2022


Here’s a program with a Doc comment and two single-line comments:

// File Name : hello.go
// Description : This program prints hello world to the display
// Author : Maheshwaran Dhandapani
// Date : 11/12/2022
package main
import "fmt"
// Main function of the program
func main() {
// Displays some text to the screen
fmt.Println("Hello World!!!")

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