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Published Aug 1, 2023
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The Modf() function in Go is used to find the integer and fractional part of a floating-point number. This function is part of the math package, and the package must be imported to use the function in a Go program.


int, frac := Modf(f)


  • f: is the floating-point number to extract the integer and fractional parts from.
  • int: is the integer part of the passed parameter.
  • frac: is the fractional part of the passed parameter.

Some special return cases:

  • If (±)Inf is passed as an argument, then Modf returns (±)Inf and NAN.
  • If the argument passed is NAN, then the return will also be NAN.


Below is a basic implementation of the Modf() function.

package main
func main() {
var x float64 = 3.3456
var w, z float64 = math.Modf(x)
fmt.Print("The value ", x, " is composed of the integer: ", w, " and the fractional part: ", z)

The output will be:

The value 3.3456 is composed of the integer: 3 and the fractional part: 0.34560000000000013

Codebyte Example

The following example shows how the Modf() function can be used in a Go program:


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