
alinasir85's avatar
Published Oct 11, 2023
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The RoundToEven() function in Go takes a floating-point number as input and rounds it to the nearest even integer. This function is particularly useful in scenarios where precise rounding of floating-point numbers is required.


rounded := math.RoundToEven(number)

The RoundToEven() function returns a single value of type float64, which represents the input number rounded to the nearest even integer.

Note these special cases:

  • Passing an already even integer will return the same even integer.
  • Passing NaN (Not-a-Number) will return NaN.
  • Passing positive or negative Inf will return value with the same sign as the argument.


This Go code example demonstrates a basic implementation of the RoundToEven() function.

package main
import (
func main() {
// Define a floating-point number
x := 3.5
// Round x to the nearest even integer
rounded := math.RoundToEven(x)
fmt.Printf("%v rounded to the nearest even integer yields: %v\n", x, rounded)

The above code results in the following output:

3.5 rounded to the nearest even integer yields: 4

Codebyte Example

The example below is runnable and demonstrates the RoundToEven() function.


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