
Anonymous contributor's avatar
Anonymous contributor
Published Jul 18, 2023Updated Jul 28, 2023
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The Sqrt() function returns the square root of a given number.


import math

sqrt = math.Sqrt(x)

Sqrt() accepts an argument of type float64 and returns a value of type float64.

Note these special cases:

  • The result of calling Sqrt() with a negative number is NaN.
  • If 0 is passed as the argument the result is 0.
  • Passing +Inf to Sqrt() results in +Inf.
  • If Sqrt() is called with NaN as the argument the result is Nan.


package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Square root of 9 = %f\n", math.Sqrt(9))
fmt.Printf("Square root of 12.5 = %f\n", math.Sqrt(12.5))

The above code results in the following output:

Square root of 9 = 3.000000
Square root of 12.5 = 3.535534

Codebyte Example

The runnable example demonstrates the output of Sqrt() in the special cases where 0 or a negative number are supplied as arguments.


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