
CaupolicanDiaz's avatar
Published Dec 21, 2022Updated Jun 5, 2023
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A slice in Go is a pointer to a section of an array. They are like arrays but can be dynamically sized. Care needs to be taken when modifying elements in slices, as the element value will change in the underlying array. A slice has a length and a capacity.

The length of a slice is the number of elements in the slice. The length can be found using len(slice_name).

The capacity of a slice is the number of elements in the underlying array from the slice’s start index to the end of the array. The capacity can be found using cap(slice_name).

Creating and Initializing Slices

Declare and Initialize a New Slice

Slices can be declared and initialized in one line.


new_slice := []datatype{values}

A slice is declared and initialized, similar to arrays, with a data type and list of values. However, the size is not specified within the square brackets [].


Below, a new slice containing integers is created with a length and capacity of 5:

s := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

A Slice from an Existing Array

A slice can be created from another array or slice.


new_slice_from_array := array_name[start_index:end_index]

A slice can be created from another array or slice (array_name). The slice will contain elements from the start_index up to (but not including) the end_index. If the start_index is left blank, then the slice will start from the first element of array_name. If the end_index is left blank, the slice will end at the last element of array_name.


The example below declares a slice that points to an array’s elements from index 2 to 5 (not including 5):

s := array_name[2:5]

An Empty Slice

A slice can also be initialized using the make() function.


A slice with zero values can be created using make(). The data type, length, and capacity can be set using the syntax below. The new slice will be created with length number of zero-value elements.

new_slice := make([]datatype, length, capacity)


A slice containing integers initialized to 0, with a length of 5 and a capacity of 9.

s := make([]int, 5, 9)

Codebyte Example

The codebyte below demonstrates the different ways slices can be declared, outputting slice and array data values, and length and capacity.


Accessing Slice Elements

Slice elements can be accessed in the same way as array elements.



A given value is accessed by passing the element_index in [] with the slice_name.

Codebyte Example

This shows how to access a slice element by declaring a slice s and then outputting the value of the third element of s.


Appending a Slice

Elements can be added to a slice with the append() function. Slices, or rather the underlying arrays that they reference, are stored in memory in sequential locations. If elements are appended beyond the initial capacity of a slice, then append() will leverage the Go runtime to provision a new slice with a greater capacity. If the length of the slice is less than 1,024 the capacity will double when a new slice is required, otherwise it will increase by 25%.


new_slice = append(new_slice, 1, 2, 3, n)

One or more values can be passed with the slice to append().

Codebyte Example

The example below demonstrates the use of append() and the resulting changes to the length and capacity of the slice.


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